[quote]Idk how smart you are... you can "pre-order" games for a very little amount of money and either pay them off over time or when you pick it up.
I read your whole argument with this guy and honestly couldn't follow your points at all.
I get that buying the game completely at the first hint of a pre-order is not smart because you don't know what you're getting, but you don't have to purchase a full game to "pre-order". And in many instances of pre-ordering you are allowed to cancel even after the game comes out as long as you didn't pick it up.
So even if you did pay full price for a pre-order and then saw that the game was bad you could just cancel...[/quote]
I only made one point and you obviously did follow it since you reiterated it in your reply.
I'm not sure what you mean by saying "you don't have to purchase a full game to preorder." You absolutely are 100% buying the full game! In most cases there is a season pass offer as well so you could say you're buying MORE than the full game!
If you're talking about preordering and not purchasing the actual game until launch then that's not what I'm talking about. I am talking about what OP is talking about which is PAID preorders. Not financed, not just so it's in stock at launch, PAID in full upon purchase.
As far as cancelation, you're right you can cancel a preorder. But, like you said, the only way to get a refund is if you don't end up picking up the game. You can't preorder, not pick it up for a week, and then cancel your preorder and expect a full refund.
It doesn't work like that.
Also, good luck returning a digital copy.
You got my point, and you said it beautifully! Don't preorder when you know absolutely nothing about the game! That's really as far as it goes. Be smart with your money and take responsibility for your actions!
OP is making it sound like preorders are necessary for the industry to endure and survive. This is simply not the case.
Other than that, I just hate to see people throwing their money at the screen for a trailer! Would you pre-order tickets to a movie based on a teaser trailer with no actual footage?? Probably not...
But you already understand that point so...
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