Your analogies are very flawed, buying a book or seeing a film, how does that relate to pre-ordering a game with no in game- gameplay. A book has a blerd (a segment from the book itself) and a film has a trailer (again most likely taken from the film). Sorry sir but you are just plain wrong.
good point the movies don't give you a beta that you can get your money back before the launch
Edited by isz121: 4/13/2017 1:39:29 AMBut they sort of do give you a 'beta' these being the trailers etc. If you like the trailer of the film (which again is from the film) you'll see the film if not you won't, destiny 2 doesn't even have that atm. I've played betas for some titles and loved the game, then upon getting the full game it's been terrible. The way I see betas these days are as glorified demos, of which personally I've had very bad experiences with.I'm not completely against pre-ordering (bit more wary than I used to be) just don't like the way you are presenting your argument.
If I read a book and I enjoy it, I'll remember the authors name and order the other. I don't know the plot of this new book, but I know it's a new story from the one before. I think that's the analogy he's trying to convey.
Good point, however I'm just coming from personal experience with books (of which I tend to read the back before buying it, even if I like the author).