You pay for what bungie gives you. Every company in the world makes their product sound like the best thing since sliced bread. Why should bungie act any different?
How much time do you spend on a single title? A couple of months to complete? We've played destiny for 3 years. If that is not worth whatever you've paid, then you come across as entitled and spoilt. Wanting the world for a pittance.
I've sunk countless hours into a game I've thoroughly enjoyed. I've more than had my money worth, I still play so I'm still getting more for my money.
Bungie have not lied once. They may have said things but have had to backtrack because it wasn't feasible to deliver what they said but at no point have I felt hard done by.
People need to stop expecting an insane amount of game for their money. How much would you have paid so far for world of Warcraft if you had started subscription when destiny came out? Or ESO if their subscription fees had gone ahead? Destiny has been a bargain!!
In every game out there, you pay for DLC. It's how it works. Get over it.
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