Only if you pay by credit card beforehand. I had a friend order pizza, paid with their card, and the pizza never came. It was late so they closed and forgot about the order. He called the next day about it, and nobody knew from the night before so they couldn't give him back his money back. Sure, he could have made a big deal about it and went to court and got his money back and all that, but he just sucked it up as a loss. Oh well, the main thing is papa johns got their money, and that's the only thing that really matters anyways. So keep pre-ordering, we can't let these huge multimillion dollar companies fail even when they've failed us time after time.
*knock* *knock*
Who is iiiiiit? (Opens door) 😀
Yes but we've SEEN the content. What matters is the quality! XD
Unless you pay with cash when it arrives...
[quote]And just remember. Ordering a pizza is also preordering.[/quote] Mind = Blown 😲
Just remember to blow on your pizza before eating. Its hot.
[quote]Just remember to blow on your pizza before eating. Its hot.[/quote] Your knowledge is like...if the Dali Lama and Jesus had a baby...yeah, it's that good.
Oh crap . It homeland. Hide yo weed.