oh, cool...i was the guy that built the USS Enterprise CVN 65 out of boredom with nothing but a swiss knife, toilet paper and empty pepsi tins...nice to meet you^^
So it's your fault that we didn't have any air conditioning and that we had to work on a hundred and thirty-five degree Flight Deck and sleep in 120 degree racks. Was the Pepsi can what you used to our desalinator plant neck constantly got machine oil in it contaminating our water supply? Since you built the ship I blame you for the people that killed themselves during the water shortage.
sry, but i was just 3 years old^^ but don't mind, today i have much more experience and learned from my mistakes^^
Edited by UltraCon79: 4/14/2017 7:06:29 PMSo now you can build a desalination plant capable of supporting both the crew and 8 reactors good
no...today i create humans that do this kind of stuff ,)