Bungie always seem to be told one thing and take it to the extreme. The result in Destiny 2 seems to be a lot less variety.
What with the less super charges, two primaries and only one secondary/heavy weapon.
Hell, there's not even really a point in the second primary. Oooooh we have a gun that has a 1 in 3 chance of dropping shields easier, woohoo.
It seems like Bungie is just cutting things out to make balancing (much) easier for themselves, but haven't realised that balance is not nearly as important as a variety of gameplay options. They should just use their extra funding to balance better and ignore the stupid nerf complaints that people make when they're mad that they lost. They need only focus on the glaring balancing issues.
Went thru the entire part after the Door opens in the tower... all the way to the Boss... with ZERO Secondary or heavy ammo drops. ZERO! So for Half of the dam mission I was stuck with the slowest reloading Handcannon/ Highest Recoil AR that ive ever used. The HC reload is Thorn reload Vanilla. And it does not one hit precision kill Psions... i was like What!?