Because if you are actually good at the game then you can outgun someone and not need the one shot kill cheese abilities.
If you were actually good at the game it wouldn't matter if they had 1 shot cheese abilities....
You have a 1.1. I bet you can barely get 10 kills in the d2 beta
Sorry to disappoint you, but I've placed top every time with upwards of 16 kills a game so far, only played 3 games though so that's whatever. Abilities are a baseline that every character had and they were respectively equal. There worth was chow you use them and how good you were at using them. You say gun fights are where the skill is at. Except with how rng and guns in general work in d1 they can completely negate skill. There are plenty of situations in d1 where someone can do everything right and still lose because they had a shit gun, regardless of skill. I don't think it's any surprise that you use the best weapons you can get your hands on (and v they are Some of the best)and no one should fault you on that. But when you say gun fights in v destiny are where skill is that c mashes c no sense. Gun fights are where luck reign supreme. People have to get rely on luck just to get a weapon that's usable in the crucible. Basically there is a gun economy made of people with good and bad guns. It has a top% and you're in it.
Says the guy running palindrome/matador gtfo....
So let me get this straight, you're mad at a player that doesn't handicap him or herself ? You can use those abilities yourself, if you choose not to it's your choice. It doesn't automatically mean you're better than that player by any means. Like I said, go play CS:GO if you get butthurt over someone straight up out playing you. I don't care what someone uses to kill me. If I get out played I get out played. Put your big boy pants on. And like I've said in a previous reply, the only reason why abilities got such huge usage towards the end of D1's life span was because of the constant nerf to primaries.
Ok. Now abilities are gone and the game feels great.