That's a shame sounds like already making the pve side miserable to avoid the imminent crying and complaining about supers and ammo from the pvp side. Really had hoped bungie would have left the pve players gear and abilities alone this time
The strike is fun and plays fine. You can get your super four or five times during it. You just don't feel as strong because you don't have your own personal armory of all the best weapons, armor, and exotics yet.
Eh. This isn't really a pvp carry over problem. The amount of drops and time for a super just need to be tweaked.
Abilities feel fine to me, 'specially when compared to D1's Abilities spam nonsense right now. They may take a bit to recharge but they certainly feel as though they pack more of a punch.
Yea I don't want to jump the gun on my opinion seeing as how I start tomorrow just some of the stuff I've read makes me less optimistic Destiny 1 was an absolute blast to play in the beginning then it began week after week nerf this nerf that and 100 % of the time it was the pvp side complaining that spoiled weapons and gear and ammo and abilities and long ass wait times to use a synth for everybody. I hope this time just leave stuff alone if somebody in pvp is wrecking you with something don't cry and complain. About it Get the same thing
Problem with that is that everyone'd probably be still heavily reliant on Thorn if that were the case and if it was "left alone". Can understand both sides of the argument.