After playing a few matches in pvp this is my experience.
When I'm doing ok to decent, I get my super
mid-game. I'm lucky to get it again near the end. When I'm doing bad I'm unlikely to get a super until the near end of the match.
I really enjoy this mode. I was worried these 4v4 modes would be slow but the maps are a great fix for this. I'm still almost instantly in a gunfight and it's just less chaotic. Which is a good thing in my opinion. I anyways, when I'm doing decently I get my super around 2-4 rounds in. If I'm doing terribly it's around 3-5 in.
In the story mission I got my super like 3 times. Was pretty easy to get it.
In the Inverted Strike I got my super quite often too. At least 3 times. I use it tactically, like nova bombing a big enemy or crowd. As long as I keep killing enemies I'm good.
I got my super about 4 times during the strike. All because my fireteam was exploring the area for about 40 minutes.
You can't blame em tho. I even joined them once. This is the beta, people gonna be curious about the land. Weird Bungie didn't even give a closed off patrol area or something.
Hehe yeah same
Also I agree the abilities like Titan wall take a [i]while[/i] to recharge. Not annoyingly long, maybe not even wrongly long, but I have moments I need it but can't use it yet. Also Sentinel's super needs a fix for sure. The cooldown for throwing my shield is way too long, I want to throw it more than once! Why is there even a cooldown on it?
As a counter, the cooldowns on those abilities is to prevent abuse by teams. Imagine if, for example, a team of Titans could spam the large walls. It would make for terrible PvP, and PvE doesn't benefit.
Well pve would benefit but yea IK. I still think the shield throw ability should have a reduced cooldown.
There's no cooldown you just get one throw, although you can up this in the main game.