Vanilla D1 pvp led to what D1 pvp is now. Terrible. Just ability spam. Weapons were incredibly overpowered leading to nerf after nerf and that's why sidearms stickies and icebreaker are the meta.
In Year 1 there was way less ability spam because you had good weapons in your hand. Bungie did the worst thing on choosing nerfing everything down to hell which caused the Special and Ability spam because primaries can no longer compete with either.
Edited by TeddyBundy: 7/20/2017 12:56:06 PMThat's because Bungle is unable to balance shit in a bowel, not because PvP wasn't fun. Also, the guns weren't even op. Suros for example was just good. Every weapon should've been that way. But they destroyed the whole weapon class because of that one gun. Same with the Vex. That thing was op...but instead of toning it down a bit, they destroyed all Fusion Riifles. Wrong nerf after weong nerf led to the desaster we're playing right now...and D2 is even worse.