Well I don't like their playstyle.
Which is one of the main reasons why I won't even bother to touch PvP when the full game is released.
[quote]Well I don't like their playstyle. Which is one of the main reasons why I won't even bother to touch PvP when the full game is released.[/quote] I guess you do know what passive aggression is because you demonstrated it with this post. You sound like a whiny 7 year old on the playground saying to the other kids "If you aren't going to play it my way, then I'm not going to play with you". Grow up mate.
Nah, I am grown up. No one forces me to play this game. If I don't have fun with specific game modes, because the players are shit, I won't play it. Goes same for real life, I really don't know how you come up with that 7 yo part. If you can't handle my opinion, f off