This is another point of feedback I am seeing a lot of. I'll make sure the team sees this and knows that you would like to see some RNG in the weapon rolls again.
Personally, I never enjoyed having to level up a gun to unlock its perks. But appreciate you sharing your thoughts.
This is definitely the other side of things. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
There's dozens of us who like static rolls. Dozens!
Make sure you tell them that this feedback is a symptom of a much bigger problem that won't be solved by adding back in random rolls.
Will do. You got any other suggestions on what you would like to see changed?
I think simply adding more RNG helps. With the way the system is now, everyone uses the same guns, such as the origin story and Mida. It makes the game feel stale, and instead of focusing on what you want to use, you have to focus on what gun is dropped with the best stats.
I feel datto put it best there isn't a focus what so ever on the dedicated hardcore player. This is casual focused game. Which leaves many of us hardcore players wanting something we are not getting. Luckily I learned in d1 go play something else comeback for the newest content. You won't hear salt. I knew going into d2 it wouldn't be a 5000 plus hr game any more.
I have to agree with OP, getting a great roll was a winning moment in D1 (FWC scout with full auto, triple tap, and firefly) and looking for them was one of the reasons to keep on leveling up factions, vanguard gunsmith, etc. Leveling the gun up was actually fun too, but since there are no motes of light now, the XP to upgrade needs to be reduced by a lot.
Removing the leveling of the gun is perfect. Now just put the randomization of perks back on the guns.
I don't think it's perfect but it's a fine decision. They could have had it wear the unique legendaries required you to get parts and upgrades from lost sectors or something.
Edited by Craggle: 9/26/2017 10:22:45 PMI agree on you with the not having to level up the guns with XP, but some variety in the rolls would be nice. It would make more guns compete with the meta. (Ik it could create more metas, but 7 meta guns is better than 2 or 3 IMO).
only reading, listening, taking NO action...
It's been less than a month. Be realistic.
We want random rolls, NOT locked nodes requiring XP!!
Not all people want random rolls back. I don't mind static rolls but there certainly needs to be more options and more weapons for each foundry when you introduce static rolls. Right now there just aren't many choices really.
I never normally reply to your posts, but this time I need to. On release it was stated that weapon rolls would become irrelevant because the loot pool would be far larger. I kinda feel like you lied to us..
Edited by KSI MySTiiQuE: 9/26/2017 11:31:07 PMCozmo, the reason it is an issue is because we need a larger loot pool. Otherwise we all feel the same, we need a loot overhaul.
Also what happened to specialist perks on raid and trials/banner gear. Seems like this was something that was overlooked for a more streamline armour model. When in truth the raid perks came in very handy. Also separates them and makes the unique.
I don't give a damn for the leveling but randomizing the rolls on the guns was way better than just static everyone gets the same shit way...
Well, I don't speak for everyone on any part of it, but I do like having a lot of variety in my guns, and the rolls on perks and scopes brought it out quite a bit. Thanks for replying Cozmo!
Thanks for adding in.
It’s not about unlocking the perks. It’s about having different perk options on the same weapon
Right. I feel this is what a lot of players are saying, but OP specifically mentioned leveling up weapons.
I think what most players want is more perk options for our gear, I think each type of weapon should have a balanced set of perks they can get. that way we can have our options and reasons to play the strikes and other things people are just avoiding because there's no point in doing them once you hit 265-270 power. but at the same time nobody wants to see max range shotguns dominating the pvp again.. so I think it needs to have a balance so no one weapon can become too strong, but we want our variety back. we have an abundance of legendary shards because we just dismantle every duplicate we get because we already know it's not better in any way..
Oh god please don't bring back random rolls. The new system is great, it just needs an infusion of more guns. Players might not complain as much if there were just more variety. I know this takes time to develop, but having more guns to chase would definitely help. And leveling guns was always something I did in literally 30 seconds. It wasn't a joy, or a chore, it was just a thing to get out of the way. The new system, again, is great!