Issue is Anthem is a much bigger departure from Bioware's previous titles than Destiny has been from Halo, imo.
Except for the fact that none of the people who made Halo what it was ended up being involved in the final product that we received in Destiny. It's a totally different company now. That said, Halo was a linear campaign and competitive pvp. Destiny is neither of those things. I'd say both companies ventured into totally new realms for them in Destiny and Anthem. The difference is that Bioware has 4 years of Bungie mistakes to learn from. Hopefully they get it more right then Bungie did.
Same goes for Bioware. Like Bungie, most of their best people moved on to other things. I doubt that with EA at the head of everything that it'll end up as anything much better.
So you think the suffocation from Activision is better? You think that Bungie having to totally gut D1 6 months before release to meet Activision's requirements and implementation of MTX are better? EA and Bioware have publicly stated that Bioware has free reign. Not only that, they don't have a ten year contract to deliver 4 standalone titles + DLC like Bungie had. Your doubt of Anthem due to EA being the producer is unfound and ignorant of the details of both company's contracts.
-blam!- off. My point is it's going to be barely any better due to the fact that it's just another online-only shared world game which have a track record of being just okay. And my point about their departure from the focus of their previous titles is what makes me disinterested in such a way with Anthem. Bioware were basically gods of great companion characters and they're throwing that away to focus on simply letting you play with friends, actually setting the difficulty of content to fit there being multiple players there. I'm pissed because I liked Bioware games more than I liked Halo games, so the sudden change in direction to be the exact opposite of why I played their games in the first place is, in that aspect, worse to me.