You had a full year to enjoy the game. They didnt rip you off. You paid for early adopter status and the enjoyment of playing the game day 1. I did not get to play because i didn't pay. Now i get to play on PC as they gave it to me for free. :) I only get the base game though. No expansions and no dlc's.
Every industry makes their early adopters pay more. Want that fancy car.... gonna pay more when its new compared to when its a few years old. Want that fancy tv? Gonna pay more and then eventually when enough rich people pay up the scrubs poor people of society can afford one when the company releases a lower price.
I see the point your trying to make but there's a big difference between that and this. When a new model car comes out then yes the older model becomes cheaper but never free. When the next gen tv comes out the previous one gets cheaper but never free. This game was bought by many including myself and it was a shit show for a year when we all thought bungie had 3 years of d1 exp they will build on that. Nope they go back to the same way as before pissing a lot of people off. So they should be doing more for the people that were here since day 1 not the guys who are now joining up after a year for the game to now get decent.