Phycological violence. Lmfao!!! You need mental help for this incredible injustice? Wow dude, you really think you are the victim of some horrible crime. Lol maybe you should stop playing video games.
You must be defending your cheater buddies! Your name has come up several times in a negative response to a real problem! You need to re-evaluate your approach to this topic, loose the ego, and back off the OP.
Cheating in a video game is pathetic.... Very pathetic. But it isn't -blam!-ing murder. I'll back off op and other posters like this as soon as they stop acting like a victim of some horrible crime. He was talking about what he had to endure in this horrible horrible game. HE DIDNT HAVE TO ENDURE SHIT. NOBODDY IS MAKING YOU PLAY THIS GAME.
It's not your decision on how affected the op was so shut up you muppet.
Its. A. Video. Game.
As the OP has stated the isp has evidence of a ddos and wherefore can pursue legal action. Your attempt to bully people into silence is in vain!
Edited by IIFrankRizzoII: 11/6/2018 5:58:34 PMYou do realize there are different levels of crime. All Im saying is a ddos attack should not hold the same weight as say armed robbery. Not trying to silence anybody. Stop acting like a god damn victim ffs.
It is a federal crime as it falls under the classification of cyber attacks! Soo it is a serious offense, something bungie should take soo serious, yet they have a track record of ignoring it's real impact! Some would say you and I are a paradigm, cannot have one good without the one evil! Cheating and hacking began with the game genie! If you wanted to completely dominate a game then you would have a genie plugged into your nintendo and wala you are now a god in your game! This desire carried into todays society, the only difference is it has impacted players that have no desire to cheat in a multiplayer universe! The sole reason a shift from multiplayer experiences is happening, to single player.
Yeah well the federal government also classifies marijuana as being a more dangerous drug than crystal meth. So theres that. I agree it shouldn't be ignored, but aside from banning certain individuals, what can Bungie do? Form a squad of vigilantes and bring them all to justice.
Ddos is a crime
So is murder. Should they hold the same punishment?
ummm no.. did anyone say they should? Bungie should not be allowing criminal activity to continue on its site or it really is accessory to a crime.
Maybe one day justice will be served and all Bungie employees will be spending life in prison.
your asshattery has no bounds.
Ddos'ing [i][u]is[/u][/i] actually illegal.
Thanks. Now that I know its illegal its ok for op to act like r@pe victim.
Yes. Can I have you mailing address and constantly send you so much shit in the mail that you'll never get your own? How about your phone number, so I can constantly call you so you won't be able to use your phone? Basically the same concept. If I'm paying for internet, and paid for a game, and get that shit knocked out and you cheated on the game, wasting my time, and my progress, it's the same as stealing money from me.
I never said this wasn't a crime. Just saying its not as severe as the op made it out to be. Saying shit like "the incredible injustice that we have to endure on a daily basis". Please, give me a break.
You are prob one of the retracted in question.
Not even close dude lol.