Positive. Never once been DDoSed while playing a comp game that runs on dedicated servers. Been playing comp shooters online for 15+ years. Dedicated servers remove the ability of the attacker to obtain your IP address, which means they can't DDoS you. It's that simple. The only way an attacker could DDoS you on a dedicated server is if they used some other means to get your IP, like joining your party chat on a console. Players with poor connections also wouldn't be at an advantage on dedicated servers. So yeah, dedicated servers would solve the majority, if not all network related complaints people have for D2 PvP.
My experiences with Titanfall 2, at least for the second half of your post, say otherwise...
Your experience with Titanfall 2 most likely has more to do with game performance lag rather than network lag. I've never had an issue with network lag in Titanfall 2.