They ban people everyday. Read the help forums and you can see people crying about being banned literally everyday.
Mostly PC players though who aren't actively cheating as just having certain software or apps open will result in an automatic ban. Remember when D2 launched on PC and literally thousands of people were banned on the first day? There's so much cheating on consoles these days that it's actually ridiculous. Lag switching, rapid fire mods and ddos attacks are happening more often and nothing is done about it even with proof. It took nearly three and a half years to finally ban the infamous clay_is_clutch and it's possible he's still playing on a different account.
Everyone but the cheaters! If they ban so much how is it that it took 3 years plus for the Ultimate Destiny cheater to get banned? Perhaps the people naming the cheaters get banned, but the cheaters get away with cheating, now how could that happen, oh yes, maybe the cheaters paid off Bungie, just like it was said in that one Reddit post?