Wow, so helpful, so it'll get changed in another few months? Gotcha.
Edited by LegendaryLegacy: 4/5/2019 12:34:07 AM[quote]Wow, so helpful, so it'll get changed in another few months? Gotcha.[/quote] You really out here complaining like a child because it’s not what you want? Talk about entitled. They at least acknowledged it but no that’s not good enough. You want it now right? It takes work -blam!-. Plenty of people also asked for buffed and changes to stormcaller but screw them right? Only your opinion matters. It’s called roadmap for a reason but obviously you’d rather have that delayed and screw other over
[quote][quote]Wow, so helpful, so it'll get changed in another few months? Gotcha.[/quote] You really out here complaining like a child because it’s not what you want? Talk about entitled. They at least acknowledged it but no that’s not good enough. You want it now right? It takes work -blam!-. Plenty of people also asked for buffed and changes to stormcaller but screw them right? Only your opinion matters. It’s called roadmap for a reason but obviously you’d rather have that delayed and screw other over[/quote] No, I'm pissed off because we've had the same stale Crucible meta for 7 months almost, and while yeah, buffs are cool, none of this is gonna change anything in PvP. Spectral is still gonna dominate, same with shotguns and hand cannons. They could've changed any of these things months ago, but haven't. Not to mention [b]Masterwork[/b] cores still don't belong in infusion, vendors are stale, everything earned in year 1 is subpar, and y'know, this entire game is subpar to D1 still
You think you’re the only one frustrated about that? Everyone is. Also take into account the pve community matters too not just crucible. Bungie has about 750 workers and guess what not all of them do crucible. These changes are just solid all around. Nova warp is getting fixed, plenty of arc abilities and some supers are getting fixed, rig drops are getting adjusted. Why? Because they are also prioritizing the roadmap as they should. I get spectral feels too strong because of its length in pvp, but did you ever take a moment to thing that maybe they don’t wanna make the same mistake with nerfing nova warp it’ll still be useful? I like using it in pve and plenty of others get tired of only shooting tether when we wanna use a void class. They could easily screw the promises the roadmap made, but then we’d be mad at them for that too. The changes are very much needed (especially warlocks). Just look through them and tell me they benefit no one. Warlocks have been asking for a stormcaller buff for months and oh and behold. Top and bottom tree arcstrider have lost most of there use and boom buff incoming. Both for pve and pvp. A nova warp fix has been asked for since its nerf boom look at that. Did you ever think that maybe they focused on these changes to see how things would be affected afterward? Maybe a little bit? Since Arc week has priority? (Also fun fact the DR for spectral matches arcstrider sentinel, striker, and burning maul unless it’s invis, and the invis only grants a +2% increase not really that large. If you don’t believe me I’ll actually be posting proof in about 3 days)