Literally the only thing it badly needed was a duration buff. And it got a decent duration buff.
Total BS comment. You still can't catch anyone to even get a kill. Anybody can still "moonwalk" away from a novawarp with no problem. And a duration buff doesn't do squat when they increased the charge cost by 60% but had the genius idea to only return 7% with this patch. Simple 8th grade math would tell you that this Novawarp update is hot trash, and will do nothing to increase the viability or usage rate of the super. still the absolute weakest super in the game by a long shot. still completely useless in every activity that this game offers. smh
Edited by Doctor_Roidberg: 4/6/2019 12:51:54 AMOkay :) It’s not like it’s the only super that heals itself by killing so if you’re smart and use it right you can kill the whole team and come out with full health. No we want it to play like every other roaming super, you know the ones you have to actually use your brains for and aim with. It’s supposed to be situational. Dawnblade can be far better, but requires aim, speed, and not getting nuked out of the sky. Warp needs no aim, and can tank basically anything if you just pop it close by and kill a bunch of people.