The neutral game is pretty strong, but the super is lackluster... The super energy drain is way to fast. Other supers last longer.
It's easily dodged, just jump back and shoot at it a few times to kill it. It's the easiest one to shoot down and get away from. There is no real gap closer. Compare that to Arc Staff or Spectral Blades, they can gap close by swinging the staff or spamming spectral attacks. If you do that with the charge, it's drained in, like what, 5 seconds?
You can even jump over it to avoid all damage.
Bottom tree was insanely fun with how long you could keep it up, both in PVE and PVP. But that got adjusted immediately. It's wasn't even OP like Spectral or pre nerf Nova Warp.
I don't know man, Titan supers just feel lackluster.
Should it have really strong mid game AND a really strong super?
Yes it should... Every class and subtree should have that...