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originally posted in: This Week at Bungie – 4/4/2019
4/5/2019 12:39:33 PM
[quote]Except all content is free with the Division 2 base game. The season pass just gives you early access to the DLCs and some cosmetic stuff, its not necessary to play the content.[/quote] Specializations are only cosmetic? Pretty dumb. Also you missed the point. All the money goes directly to Ubisoft. All of Destiny’s money was split b/w Bungie and Activion Blizzard. So yes when you have to pay the people who allow you to publish your game it’s going to make everything expensive. This is why publishers suck. Ubisoft can afford to make Division a live game because all earnings again go to them. Bungie can’t...or at least not now. As of now they are likely scraping the bottom of the barrel due to all the legal BS that comes with buying and IP. (Think of how marvel is the creator of Spider-Man and X-men, but couldn’t make movies with Disney because Fox) So yes now they need funds he’ll if I was filthy rich I’d buy Bungie, hire another thousand or so employees then fund it myself. Don’t take this as I’m defending Bungie with all my heart. It’s just I don’t like comparing a Publix to Walmart.

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