Too bad that over shield doesn't keep a Titan from killing me with his one hit melee. Too bad warlocks are so slow that they can't even escape a hunter's swarm grenades.
I guess hunter's have it real rough being able to dodge while they turn invisible. And a Titans ability to throw a suppression grenade and pull a Warlock out of his super is just useless. Same for those hunter tethers. The fact that two out of the three classes can suppress supers, while Warlocks cannot is a real shame for those two classes.
Besides all that, I wasn't even really talking about pvp. More about pve.
I am not denying Titans one hit melee is OP. or that the pulse grenade is the only one that works in the game (hunters don't have it, Titans get two). Dodge doesn't keep any hunter alive, just ask a hunter killing a hunter, most use it as a reload (yes that is cool), although Warlocks are the only class that still has blink. invisible is just a concept since it isn't hard to spot them, either with normal vision or the multiple enhanced vision perks, guns, and armour. And suppressing supers by requiting a super doesn't count, I agree about the suppressor grenades. but use Nova warp, that goes right through the arch strider shield, which no one uses, and kills people around corners. lol