How much stuff do you honestly expect one dev to work on at a time?
Look at Warframe, god bless DE as I am a big supporter of theirs these days but they tend to work on a lot of stuff at one time and it often comes out more than a little busted.
Not being pro-bungie or anything but Bungie has been really communicating a lot more consistently(which honestly has more to do with not having to worry about Activision’s stock holders when discussing things in public; being one of the business world I understand.) allows for a lot more freedom to openly discuss things. But expecting an all encompassing list of things not mentioned isn’t helpful at some points. It can often poison the well so to speak of the message.
That’s why we ended up with D2 launching at the state it was in. You had feedback that contradicted itself coming from all angles and it’s hard to narrow down a median when the angles are so broad.
Maybe they will address the things you are concerned about. Maybe they won’t. But sometimes you just gotta wait for things to come to pass before you worry about the next thing.
Truly dissatisfied people walk away. Even the frequent toxic members of the forum of both sides of any topic are emotionally invested. That’s why they continue to discuss games they don’t play anymore(which I don’t quite buy since it’s not hard to have an alt account). Which is always good because healthy discussion shouldn’t have people constantly agreeing with other people since ultimately you should be thinking for yourself and since everyone is different I’d expect most thoughts to be so as well.
I'm top 1% in terms of game time, and I am absolutely close to just walking away from this incompetence, and Bungie [i]should[/i] care. Many have left before me and I understand completely why they did. I am not asking too much. I expect a developer such as Bungie to listen to the community and fix issues the community at large hates. Instead, they consult streamers. Destiny as a game demands a considerable time investment from its players but Bungie shows literally no respect for that. If they can't handle the Destiny franchise in a semi-competent manner, which they aren't at this time, they need to hand it over to a developer that can. They've set the bar so low that people like you defend them for literally delivering nothing in terms of improvement.
At what point in what I said did I defend Bungie blindly? For one to write so much yet read so little it’s kinda foolish, don’t ya think? And please don’t bring up the “top 1% of playtime” argument or as I like to call it, “The race to see who is the biggest virgin.” It’s a trivial matter, just shows you had a lot of free time. Big woop. All money spent on a product is equal whether it be casual, hardcore, or otherwise. Your time spent has nothing to do with perceived value of a product and no company owes one portion of the player base any more than the others. What you are demanding isn’t unreasonable, but looking at things realistically when it comes to development you are setting yourself up for disappointment because no company can work on a laundry list like that in a reasonable amount of time to support your supposed need.