Dude, you're missing my point. I don't think they should be nerfing any supers outside of pvp balancing. The perk they are nerfing really isn't viable in pvp, so why is it getting nerfed in pve? Yes you get some energy back, but the amount from one kill is less than what one strike costs. And with all the cover your bound to miss a shot or two, so in pvp it doesn't really extend the super, and if it does, not by enough to warrant a nerf.
I'm sorry your hunter subclass got nerfed. Trust me, I used to run Nova Warp in pvp all the time. But it was a little op. I can admit that and understand why they did it. But the nerf made it useless in pve. And this change to dawnblade makes no sense...
Bungie needs to find a way to separate the tuning for pvp and pve, or just separate the two activities all together.
You guys really don't see a problem with being able to infinitely chain a super in certain circumstances? Sure, it's fun to mow down those Scorn - but come on.
Yeah the nerf to supers in pve shouldn't be happening I understand tweaks to supers for pvp type things cause a person running around the map with a long super would be ridiculous. The nerf to weapons and supers and exotics in pve is something that just shouldnt have happened.