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Edited by Ken_Malibu: 5/29/2019 7:26:43 AM
To make the game more solo friendly certain team activities would need to be dumbed down. When you dumb down the team elements many team players leave the game. I've seen clans dissolve because of these issues and the lack of real team challenges. The shattered throne is too easy to be a challenge for 3 people. So my point is the team elements need to be worked on and improved otherwise it will become mainly a solo game. There are already almost no activities that require team play so what exactly do solo players want? Seems like they hate people having a team in this game. Please remember this is a co-op game by design and many activities are built with teams in mind but right now other than raids there is no need to actually have a team. So think on that for a minute. A co OP team based game where 90% of all activities don't require a team mate. So the game already heavily caters to solo players yet they still cry and moan about it. Maybe if you want such an awesome solo player experience go play an awesome solo game and stop crying about a team based game where you don't want to take part or play with the community or find like minded players. It's a you problem you don't adapt to your surroundings you demand the surroundings adapt to you.... good luck in life with that mindset. So yes if they keep making solo content and stop making tougher team based game modes then large communities will keep struggling to maintain players and clans will keep falling. So yes it does effect players, it effects clans and relationships because people like a challenge. Solo players can not comprehended this because they are always thinking about themselves.

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  • Division has this thing where you can adjust difficulty, oh yeah encounters are different according to fireteam size also.

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  • And to your point of it's a co-op game. It was never advertised as a co-op only game just that it was an online only shooter with co-op functionality.

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  • Edited by Joey Sav: 5/29/2019 8:25:27 AM
    So you guys think destiny is What would need dumbing down exactly. You realize just about all the raids are usually tell your symbol to someone etc literally things children could do in a group of people competent enough. The only thing they would need to do is make sure everyone is willing/ is on voice coms willing to participate or offer it only for a normal version so people could see the inside of it the thing without much challenge, but like i said none of destiny's content is exactly breaking in it's challenge bar a few hidden things but it's more because of it's vagueness than actual challegne. You guys do realize that borderlands 2 has a ton of challenging content and that game can be played completely solo and shines very well in co-op. This is why borderlands 3 will release and more than likely crush anything bungie will do going forward, because they give people the option to play how they want to not told how they should.

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  • Edited by Lost Sols: 5/29/2019 8:02:46 AM
    This is without a doubt the single most ignorant and just dumb reply in this thread. Grats on not having any idea what you're writing or actually responding to. I'd suggest you read past the title but honestly I don't care what other garbage you have to say. Good luck in life with this garbage attitude.

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  • [quote]It wouldn't affect your experience one iota[/quote] Sorry but this is the real ignorance right here. It does effect and has effected MY experience very much so. Having the end game constantly being dumbed down since Destiny 1 to be more "inclusive" has not only effected my personal enjoyment of the end game challenge but also of many others. I don't need to bore you with my full Destiny back story but needless to say I have lost many regular fire teams that I worked at maintaining simply over the fact the game got boring and no longer challenging in a team environment, even a lot of 3 man raids are easy nowawdays. So many regular end game players leave the game all the time, with every update. I have lost a lot of people along the way, many great players. So Destiny is always being stretched to meet the needs of "everyone" but "everyone" doesn't have the same needs or interests. [quote]more endgame content like Shattered Throne that can be done solo or in a fireteam and both are a true endgame challenge.[/quote] Imo it's not a true endgame challenge it's a reasonable challenge to solo but not something you'll sink hours upon hours into and for a team of 3 it's very straight forward. All of your points refer to activities that are more inclusive for the solo player yet 90% of everything already is, they added a super easy mode to solo NF card, Reckoning has matchmaking, the new 6 man activity has matchmaking, like I said you are not realising they have to make the game less team oriented to make this happen. To make a dungeon soloable they have to design it that way therefore most people will be able to do it at some point. Therefore the dungeon is not a real challenge for a team of 3 players. A match made raid would either require less need for communication due to many factors mainly language and terminology barriers or less punishing mechanics to successfully work and be both fun and challenging (people still cry about tier 3 Reckoning btw so...). I can't see them being able to cater to this and still maintain any semblance of challenge for actual teams. Like someone said in the replies, the raids are already easy enough. It seems like there is a great reluctance from many players to actually engage with the community in this game and embrace the team aspects that are here. I'm not asking for less solo activities, I enjoyed the shattered throne, it reminded me of soloing Crota only easier. Just tougher end game fireteam based activities.

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  • Awesome response dude!! It seems some people just like to prove how ignorant and dumb they can be. Brilliant original post too

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  • Edited by Ken_Malibu: 5/29/2019 1:23:13 PM
    It's not though, it completely disregards all players who enjoy difficult endgame and team play, camaraderie and the social aspect of the game. I've seen and been on both sides and having less team oriented people in game where endgame is built on co-op team play is not good for the community or the overall state of the game. A virtual world filled with solo players who refuse to communicate to one another verbally, doesn't sound so great to me and I can count entire clans worth of people who felt so strongly about this direction they flat out uninstalled Destiny.

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