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Edited by Nuclearpath: 5/29/2019 12:24:26 PM
You're right this game is a looter-shooter and RNG based and as such people shouldn't get everything they want. I also agree that yes, some people do take the "NERF IT INTO THE GROUND!" mentality a little too far a lot of the time, but what you're saying isn't exactly reasonable either. I personally can't play for more than maybe 5-6 hours a day because I work and still go to school, so by your standards am I not "worthy"? Not only this, but everyone deserves a chance to experience a product and to at least attempt to gain the loot they see destroy them in the crucible or that they see annihilate a boss. To simply say they should just leave the game and let it be run by elitists who sit on their butt all day and barely do much more than eat, sleep, piss, and play is not only just poor thinking, but also doesn't contribute to the game and its community in any way. Destiny and Destiny 2 have some of the most wonderful people I've ever met playing, and to simply dismiss most of these people as "scrubs" or "casuals" as you so put it is just plain toxic. Not only this, but even Bungie clearly doesn't agree with you. As a Game Designer would you rather have tens of millions of people play your product every day for just a few hours, or just a few thousand, maybe tens of thousands of people play every day for ten hours plus? Bungie is developing a game where everyone can enjoy the experience and where players strive to [i]be[/i] that person who killed them in the crucible, or the one who did the most damage to a boss in the newest raid. They won't earn everything no, and many of them will cry for nerfs that luckily will never come to fruition, but to make the statement you have is a severe disservice to this game and the community surrounding it. Now, I know if you end up replying to me it likely will be very similar to the comment which I now reply to, though I hope it will be slightly more dignified, hopefully less of a toxic cesspool of negativity and more of a constructive post discussing my reply to you and any others. I hope this can be the case. In any event though I hope you still do have a good day despite the possible negativity coming my way, and just wished to simply let you know from a loyal day one Destiny 1 player what my opinion upon your thinking is.

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