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5/29/2019 6:06:08 PM
trying to make an online social game more for solo players does impact every single one of us who want the game to remain a social, multiplayer game. Pushing content to solo activities reduces the social aspect. There are plenty of 1 player games that people can go play if that is the challenge they are looking for.

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  • i like what they're doing in SoP, easier content is matchmade, harder more rewarding content is not

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  • Look at the playerbase. There is problem. Players are leaving, matchmaking is taking longer, clans are vanishing and your response is to alienate the casual players who may go on to joining clans and filling out your fireteams. If your response to these players getting into the game is 'Go play something else' then this game is going to die. If casual players are encouraged to log into Destiny 2 and they enjoy the single player experience they may join your clan. Its a question of balance. Provide options for solo players while maintaining a challenge for fireteams. Fireteams pub stomping solo players in Quickplay is not balance / being excluded from activites which don't really need communication is not balance. Raids do need communication and should be LFG / Fireteam only.

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  • Make it optional, problem solved.

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  • How about you go play another game... you’re the person they just described, can you not read? Some people...

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  • Edited by brose one: 5/30/2019 7:29:20 AM
    L O L ! when does the game promote this "social" experience? according to the campaign, [b]my[/b] Guardian is the hero. it's up to [b]me[/b] to save our city. it's not until after the campaign that i'm given the option to visit a silent "social" place. but yeah... sticking the most sought out gear in modes that do not have matchmaking = "social."

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  • Sticking the strongest gear into modes that require teamwork and communication aka endgame, where the main goal is to be social. If you dont like that than go play a single player game like skyrim

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  • if Bungie's main goal was to be social they wouldn't have waited for player feedback to add voice chat. and sorry to break it to you, but Destiny is a live service. there is no "endgame." there's temporary milestones that move every few months. modes without matchmaking are optional and are not needed for maxing your character(s.) the problem Bungie has is the idea that gamers can't figure out how to complete tasks without verbal cues. they operate under the illusion that tedious mechanics = difficulty. Bungie caters to the "social" crowd. the 14-25 year olds that live and die on their mics. the crowd that plays games to be connected, instead of escaping. it's a poor business model and the fact that their player base and publisher dropped off is proof of that.

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  • You play it solo sometimes, does that mean you're playing it wrong?

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  • I am not a solo player, I will play some activities loading in solo. I do not want solo activities. There is a difference. I don't run a NF solo, I don't run the whisper or zero hour solo, I do not want to run these solo. That is what you are asking, for solo content. You can solo content as it is now, if you choose, however, it was created for fireteams. That is how it should continue. This is not a one player game.

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  • Literally no one is asking for solo activities. The only ones suggesting that are you all.

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  • Then please articulate what you want.

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  • False dichotomy. Making solo content makes the game more inclusive. ...and given that the player base right now on PC is so low that the Forges and Gambit are struggling to even be able to make matches on some days. You may want to rethink your priorities A dead game isn't a social experience.

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  • All games die. Destiny 2 taught us that few games ever really even "live". But hey, if necrophelia is your thing.... have at it! Although, its probably worth mentioning that you cant draw blood from a stone. And that shit flows downhill. And PC isn't the gaming experience that people say that it is.

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  • 2
    Inclusiveness in games looks like LFR in WoW. Content made bite sized and easily digestible for mass consumption, apathetic and uninvested players that can be hot swapped in and out of existence like they weren't even real, and a hollow empty world as players simply go through the motions if they even really participate at all. There is nothing inherently good about "inclusion." It only breeds more atomization, so to call it inclusive is a terrible joke. There is nothing ideal about it, it is a slow insidious killer of games. Bungie may never fix Destiny's problems but "inclusiveness" will never solve them.

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  • Maybe not, but exclusiveness and elitism will kill the game that much faster.

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  • 3
    "Elitism" and "exclusion" breed desire and desire means motivation, improvement, and imply there are standards which can be met. It is a good thing to not reward people for being inept and/or ignorant. And with that said Destiny is not particularly hardcore or "elite." Everything in this game can be managed with a few hours a week, some forethought, basic game skills, and willingness to interact with others. Reminder that Classic WoW was considered "casual" and it's main demographic was middle-aged men e.g. people with families. Think about this slow slide towards utter mediocrity before coddling people the moment they object to anything. Casual is merely a mindset. None of this is to excuse any particular issues of Destiny by the way.

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  • [quote]And with that said Destiny is not particularly hardcore or "elite." Everything in this game can be managed with a few hours a week, some forethought, basic game skills, and willingness to interact with others.[/quote] Exactly This ^^ It is, however, imho, the best gunplay and maneuver game in existence. I would like to see it become much more diverse and difficult, but that’s just me.

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  • then maybe its a dead game on PC and should focus on console.

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  • It really doesn't. BL2 is a good example of a game that is BEST played with others but you can play solo... Which is why BL3 is gonna make D2 servers look like a ghost town.

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  • great, then why woudl bungie go and make more solo activities when you are leaving to play this other game in the first place. Best keep making content for those who remain here for the content bungie creates.

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  • Yep, all 12 of you elites can keep your social experiment.....

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  • Not every game is made for every person. Making a mitsubishi more like a Ford isn’t the solution. Play the games you like as they are made and stop trying to make every game like that other game you like, just go play it.

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  • Spot on post.

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  • First of all, I'd like to apologize for my previous comment. I usually try not to let crappy comments fly all willy-nilly. Second, in a way, I agree. That's why I started playing RDR2 and Far Cry 5. Thing is though, games like that are short lived, and while many of us like the solo experience, we don't have games like Destiny, that keep going. Some of us really like Destiny, and the thing is, what a lot of solo players are asking for are simply "options". I don't want group activities to get easier, and other developers would agree, which is why they implement this wonderful thing called "scaling". Not to mention, a lot of developers who do this, also try to get you to group up by making it a more "lucrative" experience. If anything, making things more solo friendly via scaling, it would make group activities even more difficult and challenging, which is what masochistic gamers want.....right?

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