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Edited by FL00FING AB0UT: 5/29/2019 7:50:22 PM
Maybe try God of War? Sekiro? Like, I don’t know what to tell you. You can’t even turn in quests at the tower without being with other people. It’s pretty obvious that the intent of the game is to have many players playing (which if that was the advertised intent, why’d you buy it?) Asking for solo content in a game intended for multiple player characters in a scenario isn’t logical. The game isn’t meant to be for solo players nor was it ever advertised as such. Like you’re asking them to make things for solos when this whole game has NEVER been about solo play. Everyone else plays to play with people. Destiny is an FPSMMORPG. The MM means “massive MULTIPLAYER.” If you bought an fpsmmorpg for solo content, I really just am hard pressed to say you made a purchase without consideration for your own interests or desires. If you genuinely expect a game that advertised itself as something entirely other than what you wanted, but you bought it anyways, and then you ask that they change it to better suit what you wanted, even though it was never supposed to be that (again because most activities REQUIRE multiple players), you’re delusional or have no sense of what appropriate entitlement is. Edit: I’m not saying solo content would be bad to add, but it’s not really anything that has precedent you can point to and it’s not likely they’ll start developing it now when that’s not the intent.

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  • I'm really not sure how this is that difficult for people. NO ONE IS ASKING FOR A SOLO GAME. NO ONE IS ASKING TO NOT PLAY WITH OTHER PEOPLE. NO ONE IS ASKING FOR CONTENT TO BE DUMBED DOWN. Okay, now that we've established that, let's move on to understanding part 2: WHEN YOU LOG INTO DESTINY AND PLAY BY YOURSELF AND NOT IN A PREMADE FIRETEAM WITH FRIENDS, YOU ARE PLAYING SOLO. [b][i]EVEN WHEN PLAYING MM CONTENT LIKE STRIKES OR PVP OR YOU ARE IN THE TOWER.[/i][/b] What you all keep incorrectly implying is that this game should only be playable if you're on and in a premade fireteam with people you know. So unless all y'all only log in with other people, what are you even talking about??? THE GAME IS MULTIPLAYER, NO SHIT. IT NEEDS A BETTER EXPERIENCE WITHIN THAT FRAMEWORK FOR PLAYERS NOT IN PREMADE TEAMS TO BE ABLE TO ENJOY CONTENT BOTH ALONE AND MATCH WITH RANDOMS THROUGH MM.

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  • Edited by Cheezzus_Christ: 5/29/2019 8:50:20 PM
    Let’s be real, literally everything in the game can be solo, including raids, if your good enough or practice and keep trying(THELEGENDHIMSELF) has multiple videos on solos.

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  • Let's be real, this comment is pointless.

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  • This too, honestly.

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  • A serious reply now... This game fights against itself on many levels. Yes, the box says multiplayer, and our devs talk about wanting it to be a social experience, and then they do things that are anathema to it. Remember in D1 when House of Wolves dropped? The pinnacle activity was not a six-man raid, rather three-man PvP. My clan died overnight. You can try to argue it shouldn’t have, but it did. And mine wasn’t the only one. Clans all around took a big hit because the three-man structure excluded clan members oftentimes. How about four-man PvP for vanilla D2? What do you tell the other two guys you just raided with when some want to pop into Crucible? “Too bad, you guys suck in PvP, see ya later!”? And then comes my favorite of all - they make this game designed to be social and don’t include in-game features to socialize. You have to leave a game to form a fire team. Just doesn’t make sense. So yeah, we could oversimplify the conversation and say it’s a multiplayer game so get over it, but it is woefully short of the tools to truly make that so, and further, some features simply work against it. Need I mention Blind Well, Escalation Protocol, etc?

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  • I’m really sorry, I’m trying to entertain your point, truly, but was any of that relevant? I didn’t get the point.

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  • Edited by sophDeck: 5/29/2019 8:17:02 PM
    Then you are working hard at missing the point. You went at the OP, suggesting he find another game if he wants to solo play this game designed to be played with others. I gave examples of how the game itself often works against a team-building structure, and has actually added features that have broken down clans. I myself have been in five different clans that have died off, so the whole "Make friends" argument doesn't really fly. The clans didn't die because people weren't friends. It's so easy to take the path of least resistance, to do a drive-by comment, to say, "find another game". Well... is that truly helpful? Did you give the post a fair amount of thought before hastily typing out a cliche remark?

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  • Truth be told I don’t think you made it clear enough. All I’m getting from you is “the multiplayer aspect isn’t perfect so solo content should be more prevalent.”

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  • Edited by sophDeck: 5/29/2019 9:11:18 PM
    Allow me to elucidate. Your response amounted to "this game is designed around multiplayer", true enough, but left out the many design shortcomings that don't just make multiplayer imperfect, but in many cases impractical. Escalation Protocol - what does it take to get a 9-man fire team? Yet that's the max number of players able to join the event. Even getting a standard 6-man fire team required jumping through many hoops that resulted in far more time assembling your team than actually playing the content. Bungie stated this was because the content was designed for a 3-man team. That's funny, because at the time of the release no typical 3-man team would have gotten anywhere near finishing the final round - if they even got to the final round. That means, in short, if played as Bungie designed it wasn't worth doing. It was a lot of wasted time for a frustrating end. The multiplayer is so flawed in this game it makes what is printed on the box pretty close to being dishonest. Not quite, but close. I mean, where does it tell you you have to go to a third-party program to find a fire team? I've read both boxes, and it doesn't say that. Look, I've been in multiple clans, done hundreds of raids, I enjoy playing with others, but I will tell you EVERYONE winds up playing alone at some point. I can't see the loss in providing content for solo players.

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  • Everything here is an opinion for the most part that I can’t really argue against. Except this. So you suggest even with flaws, despite developing a framework for a multiplayer game, suddenly building more solo content is smarter than just fixing what you had and adding improvements? In order to shift the focus, a lot of changes would be required. Adding solo content means less multiplayer content (everything you said before was adding new loot or matchmaking options), but what about full content meant entirely for one person? What if they took the time to develop a Shattered Throne type dungeon for solos? That still takes time and it would anger everyone else that they couldn’t play with THEIR friends (because other people have them, not meant to be tongue in cheek). Why sacrifice what you already built to only later on divide your attention? I get why you WANT it. I get where the MERIT is. But it simply won’t happen due to the economics of the situation. Or if it does, it’ll only be in giving solo as an option.

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  • This game is now 5 years old, and every design flaw in multiplayer is still there and will always be there. There is no reason to suggest we should wait until multiplayer gets fixed to ask for solo content. Since you brought up Shattered Throne, let's use that as an example. Bungie likes to recycle content. Whether it's old exotics that have been taken away to drip feed us in the next expansion, or recycling old enemy types to create new ones (Taken, anyone?), ships, sparrows, armor... a great many things in the game are recycled assets from earlier revisions. That's how Bungie does business. So... do I think revamping old content for solo purposes takes away from multiplayer? No, not at all. I would go further to say it's an easier way to fill content gaps than many other things that could be done, and fleshes out the game at the same time.

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  • I’m still not sure where in there there’s a justification for solo content being a dedicated content area in a multiplayer game. Should every game have every game type? Remember when Assassin’s Creed added PvP (it didn’t last)? Some things are just predominantly one thing, and that can be okay.

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  • It can be, but we must also remember games evolve. Bungie is away from Activision now, free to create a new paradigm. In fact, that’s exactly what people want and expect.

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  • Unrelated note: Detective Pikachu is good. On topic, they split from a publisher. I don’t expect different content due to publisher change.

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  • Leaked intel says otherwise.

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  • Feel free to share. I’ll shut up if it satisfactorily spits in the face of what I’m saying.

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  • Data miners point to a “dark zone” ala “The Division”, ie a shared world PvP/PvE in zones.

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  • I’ve seen that information before. Not confirmed but I’ll entertain the possibility of something like that far later down the line in a future game as I can’t see the future. I can’t imagine any way the Destiny community would abuse that though if implemented.

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  • Truth

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  • Wrong. Set your system clock back a week and the world is yours alone. Just sayin’.

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  • You can manipulate your time zone to be on empty servers to force yourself to be alone, I guess. But that’s also kind of an illusion of being alone.

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  • Try it. It’s not illusion at all. You. Are. Alone.

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  • I understand the premise, human. It’s having to take extra steps to ensure it though. Maybe you should post that on OP’s post. They might appreciate that information.

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  • Well now we are having a semantic debate. If I want to be alone at home I have to take steps out of a room where people are and go to a room where people aren't. I could argue you have to take MORE steps to be WITH people in this game than be without them, especially where playing content is concerned. But let's push all that aside... how exactly does solo content hurt you?

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  • Developing dedicated solo content takes away time from developing multiplayer content which is why everyone else bought it.

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