1. I've been in five different clans.
2. Sometimes you wind up playing alone.
3. The OP is one of the more social people on this BBS, so your read is completely wrong.
4. Solo content does not have to detract from the rest of the game.
5. Optional matchmaking covers all your stated concerns.
[quote]4. Solo content does not have to detract from the rest of the game[/quote].Yes it will. Content has to come from somewhere, bungie focusing on solo activites mean less focus on team modes. As this is a multiplayer game the focus should be on the latter. [quote]5. Optional matchmaking covers all your stated concerns.[/quote](with regard to raids exclusively) How about wasted dev time and resources? Instead of them fixing a non-existent problem that will just lead to frustration and toxicity by matchmade groups that will almost never make it through the raid we could use that same dev time/resources into actual problems.
Whatever. Same tired, uninspired response. Like the same person with different profiles.
[quote]Whatever. Same tired, uninspired response. Like the same person with different profiles.[/quote] Basically were right and you have no argument got it You cant have endgame be challenging while also catering it to everyone with mm and expect those players to finish said content with any frequency
Not to be too snarky, but you are aware competitors already do what people are asking of Bungie... right? You are aware that optional matchmaking, once made a thing, doesn't have to be remade as a thing over and over... right? As in, it would be there forever? Your trouble, much like people of your limited mindset, is that you go for the straightforward simple answer you first imagine. You make this out to sound like from now on all resources would be dedicated to making solo content, and that's simply not true. No one is asking for that, and certainly not those (like me) who are asking for optional matchmaking. And really... if the last season is any indication, the social content is bland anyway. If you don't like Gambit, the "Season of the Drifter" offered absolutely no reason to play socially.
[quote]Not to be too snarky, but you are aware competitors already do what people are asking of Bungie... right?[/quote]You are aware that competitors such as wow have 40 player raids where everyone is communicating and worse players can be aided by better right? With 6 complete randoms that chance goes out the window especially seeing as destiny players rarely touch thier mics period [quote]You are aware that optional matchmaking, once made a thing, doesn't have to be remade as a thing over and over... right? As in, it would be there forever?[/quote]What part of completely wasted dev time and resources was hard to understand? Why should they implement something that will have a 99% failure rate when they could and should be using that time to fix real issues? [quote]Your trouble, much like people of your limited mindset, is that you go for the straightforward simple answer you first imagine. You make this out to sound like from now on all resources would be dedicated to making solo content, and that's simply not true. No one is asking for that, and certainly not those (like me) who are asking for optional matchmaking.[/quote] 1. Your trouble, much like those with your "limited mindset" is that you cant seem to understand that content and bungie sources and time are finite. What goes into more solo activities means those resources were pulled from other things. Meaning the amount of activities for social players does indeed drop. Fact. 2. Optional matchmaking for nightfalls? Should be implemented. Optional matchmaking for shattered throne? Should be implemented. Optional matchmaking for raids? Never ever. Ever. All other content in the game can be done without communicating and without team coordination. Mm for raids would be an abysmal failure. Period. From people with no mics to people not bothering to learn mechanics before joining to people who go afk, quit, have to low light, don't have optimal gear, dont speak english, unwilling to accept a different strategy, doing zero and expecting a carry, etc infinitely If guided games something where most of the players know each other was an epic fail why the hell do you think 6 randoms would ever work? If people already constantly complain about how bad thier teammates are at gambit, reckoning and even strikes how would they do in the raid? Why should bungie basically throw dev time out the window? The problem here is solo players are lazy. End of story. They're fine with taking potentially hours upon hours to wipe at raids but refuse to spend the 10 minutes on a lfg site to find a group and have a much higher chance at finishing the endgame...no, people just want and expect a team to be just handed to them, that wont work with endgame where all 6 players need to be on board and working together, maybe that would happen 1/100 times, 99% fail rate would lead to "raids are too hard" posts which would lead to raid mechanics being nerfed. No thanks. You want challenging endgame you cant have matchmaking and expect any sort of success numbers. It's one or the other and bungie smartly chose challenging endgame. You are entitled access to content with your purchase of the game. Not a team to run said content with, theres hundreds of daily groups you are literally the only thing holding yourself back [quote]And really... if the last season is any indication, the social content is bland anyway. If you don't like Gambit, the "Season of the Drifter" offered absolutely no reason to play socially.[/quote] Just as much as it offered any reason to play solo
Menagerie. You might want to look this up. Kinda shoots a hole right through your argument.
[quote]Menagerie. You might want to look this up. Kinda shoots a hole right through your argument.[/quote] Not at all the menagerie will more then likely not be at all as challenging as the mechanics and coordination we have for raids. Far more likely to be like reckoning as it's as big a dlc
Look, I don’t expect you to examine anything that doesn’t fit your world view. You already categorized myself and everyone else who would like to see more solo content as lazy and wanting everything handed to us. If your thinking is that simplistic, there’s no way you can wrap your head around something more nuanced. Bungie just demonstrated they can do layered difficulty - again. They have done it many times over the last five years. Practically all PvE content has heroic versions or challenges added to existing content for bounties. In D1Y3 raids had heroic versions which were harder AND had weekly challenges for more loot. Having easier versions hurt no one AT. ALL. But this is all side track anyway. My comment regarded “Optional Matchmaking”, and was specifically about content other than raids (though if optional wouldn’t matter in raids anyway). You want it to be all about raids because you think that somehow negates the whole optional matchmaking issue. I don’t wish to outright rude, but since you have committed ad hominem on the issue, I will simply repeat your viewpoint is simple-minded.
[quote]Look, I don’t expect you to examine anything that doesn’t fit your world view. You already categorized myself and everyone else who would like to see more solo content as lazy and wanting everything handed to us. If your thinking is that simplistic, there’s no way you can wrap your head around something more nuanced.[/quote] Fact. Endgame is supposed to be challenging Fact. Most destiny randoms can barely do a reckoning run and most mm runs dont make it. Mixing those two is not a good option. From what I've seen the people asking for mm are the same people that complain that some lfg groups have requirements - they expect bungie to just drop them in with 5 skilled players and get carried through activites. Now I'm not sure why this is so hard for you but grasp that content takes dev time and resources and costs money. Understand that content is finite. Understand that more content that focuses on solo players means that content is being pulled from elsewhere. So why in a social multiplayer game should players have less of that content and more solo? If you wanted a solo game there were tons of options and best of luck to you. [quote]Bungie just demonstrated they can do layered difficulty - again. They have done it many times over the last five years. Practically all PvE content has heroic versions or challenges added to existing content for bounties. In D1Y3 raids had heroic versions which were harder AND had weekly challenges for more loot. Having easier versions hurt no one AT. ALL.[/quote]Raid challenges are for players that want more loot from making the existing content harder. How is that comparable to making the basic mechanics easier so mm could possibly run them? You'd just be dumbing down the content which is supposed to be considered endgame.... [quote]But this is all side track anyway. My comment regarded “Optional Matchmaking”, and was specifically about content other than raids (though if optional wouldn’t matter in raids anyway). You want it to be all about raids because you think that somehow negates the whole optional matchmaking issue.[/quote]I literally specifically wrote "with regard to raids" as in that's what I was arguing. I'm all for nightfall to have mm, in fact any content where a player can solo the activity if need be can have it as then 1 player can finish the run even if the people hes matched with cannot. [quote]I don’t wish to outright rude, but since you have committed ad hominem on the issue, I will simply repeat your viewpoint is simple-minded.[/quote] Dont even try it bud, you literally committed ad hominem as soon as you said simple minded before then there was literally zero attack on you, let's not pretend you were civilized this entire time.
Well said. I almost completely agree with you. Im not sure all solo players are lazy Im sure some are and only want carries however, Im sure some are just anti-social. Honestly bungie shouldnt be making content for people not in their demographic destiny isnt a solo experience and Id say that anyone who avoids it is doing a huge disservice to them self as the best times youll have in destiny is playing with friends or clan mates.