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5/30/2019 6:28:40 PM
[quote]Fun fact, raid matchmaking worked in D2 with Guided Games. Used it a bunch and we never had a single bad experience with a random. [/quote]Fun fact guided games was an abysmal failure, groups rarely get through raids and it's barely used as a result, that time and resources that devs spent making a useless feature should have gone into other real issues. [quote]Fun fact, there's no -blam!-ing difference between raid matchmaking and using an LFG site. It's the same players.[/quote] Ok this statement right here? I cant believe you said this unsarcastically. There is a huge difference 6 complete randoms you have no control over who you end up with A LFG host specifies the players he wants, he also requires similar language and mic usage alongside other requirements. He also has the power to kick afk players, trolls or players not following the set strategy or simply not performing as expected. [quote]Fun fact, raid Matchmaking works just -blam!-ing fine in other games like WoW and [url=]FFXIV[/url] Fun fact, it only shows your ignorance to say stupid shit like "you must not raid". My raid team Sherpa'd countless players in D1 and D2 Y1. Hell, we organised a community raid day on the forums at the end of TTK to get players who'd never raided through. So here's the thing, if you think it can't work, that says everything about your inability to lead others through and nothing about the players you're too ignorant to give a chance.[/quote] You literally see people here constantly complaining about reckoning and sometimes even strike randoms. How well would an endgame activity every player needs to be coordinated on go when half the solo players dont have mics or aren't interested in joining chat? Or aren't using optimal gear? Or are just bad and die constantly? Or a billion other issues. [quote]And fun fact, if you don't want to use it, you wouldn't have to.[/quote]1. Itd be a waste of dev time that should focus on real issues 2. It would more then likely lead to mm raiders complaining how hard content is. Then raid would be nerfed to have easy mechanics so mm groups could get through them. Which ruins the normal raiders experience. [quote]And last but not least, more people play Destiny solo than play in fireteams.[/quote] And those people have plenty of options for content. Endgame however should not be one of them, you want a tough and challenging experience? Nearly always impossible with matchmaking. [quote]Thanks for proving how shitty this community can be.[/quote] This was you when someone gave counters to your argument you couldn't handle earlier: [quote]Goddamn, it must make you feel really cool to be so vile and ignorant. Enjoy the mute.[/quote] If anyone here proves how shitty the community is......

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