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Edited by isaac13d: 5/31/2019 5:43:40 AM
My response to this wall, how bout that guided nightfall? You know, that option that's already in the game, but nobody does because it's not rewarding for the people doing the guiding? Oh, and how bout that Guided Raid option that already exists, but nobody uses because there is no reward for being a guide? How many resources are these already developed, existing options going to steal? All you guys say the same stuff. Matchmaking for raids and nightfalls would never work because they require more coordination. Nightfalls sure don't. If you want to work on a 100,000 point nightfall you should be prepared to GUIDE the person who is joining you into making the best decisions to do so. Be prepared to be content with just completing the nightfall, some of us are not the best. A raid is different, if you are prepared to guide a raid, you can choose to do so. Most everybody here knows that they are difficult, and if you decide to guide a raid you already know that it gets more difficult the more people you choose to guide in one go, so you should plan accordingly. But the bigger question is this: Why would anyone choose to guide a raid? A nightfall is easy, if you're just going for the completion of it anyways (which some of us do). A raid is a whole nother kind of animal, you have to set aside a good chunk of time and be VERY patient with the folks you'll be guiding (a good portion of them may have never done a raid, some of us haven't tried a raid since the second raid lair on the Leviathan). There's no extra reward in it for you. There's no Pinnacle weaponry for guiding people through the hardest content in the entire game. If memory serves me correctly, there isn't even an emblem. Rather than insisting that matchmaking would never work, why don't we ask Bungie a simple question, "What's in it for me?" Let's reward the awesome folks that do all the extra work to guide players the the hardest content in the game that otherwise go unnoticed.

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  • Heres the thing tho you ever wonder why none of the in-game matchmaking stuff isnt being used? I have the answer and its bc the community made it own matchmaking that is and will always be 100% better than anything they put in the game. LFG discord servers literally has an lfg for pretty much every activity and helps Vet players find other vet or at least knowledgeable players find each other for quick raids but also has ranks to tell you whos a sherpa, vet, casual, or newbie at a glance so you know whos capable of what. It allows the sherpa to have more control of the group and gives easy access for every player involved to a voice channel to communicate properly unlike the live game that has a voice system comparable to apex legends. If im gonna strap a newbie on my back and carry them through the raid I honestly dont want an extras reward sherpas at the current time are some of the nices people you meet and I dont want the waters to get muddied on whos an actual sherpa and whos the dbag putting you on add clear on every encounter so they can get just one single extra reward. If you dont think that will happen I can assure you it will to quote riven "our desires could feed a nation of such beasts". Ive done my fair share of carrying and for the more hard core stuff Ive done 10+ petras runs for people who need help complete strangers on the lfg discord server just bc I knew what Iwas doing and sometimes a group just needs someone to keep their heads on straight and not to get nervous along with the strats to keep the run going. you ever do morgeth with just two whispers, a well, and a banner shield bc we got some bad rng for eyes and ogres shooting people away from the taken guy before bc I sure have? have you ever gotten everyone to riven just to have your only titan forget hes on the wrong subclass so we had no melting and couldnt do enough dps for riven cheese? you ever get to the end dunk the heart and get error code guitar right before everyone got the triumph? bc I had all that stuff happen to me in just one group. I think you misunderstand me for the guy that says "must have 30+ clears to join my group will be raid.reported" when Im really just a guy that runs the raids way more often than he should. Helping people and keeping them motivated for flawless is fun as hell and finally getting the group done is one of the most satisfying things you can do in this game. At least on PC I dont want any changes to end game activities that require more in depth knowledge and what not bc on PC at least the community is very friendly and helpful you just gotta look for the right people and you can find them so much easier on a discord server where you can pick and chose vs being dropped in with people without any choice. Also heres the clip of the heart dunk error code I and the rest of the group were very disappointed.

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