Seriously, they can't just ignore Win 7 users/players/Guardians, and I personally don't want to stop playing if the game works fine without BattleEye...I play since Destiny 2's Beta and [i]this is the first time I face such an issue[/i], also if not obvious, I'm also on Windows 7.
I didn't even bother to get Beyond Light because of the cutscenes update that broke them for us too (asides being a heretic and wielding the Dark, of course), but like...come on Bungo. I ignored the New Light issue because I can watch the cutscenes later on YouTube, but this? My game refuses to open, so I'm unable to even play it.
Also the issue is -blam!- BattleEye, it's not working properly on Windows 7, not detecting the game's executable somehow.
I just want to thank you guys for upvoting my comment/reply, Bungie needs to be aware we're part of the player base, even on an outdated OS, some can't afford certain upgrades, that along with other issues (like data trading), so to any of you reading this, please don't come over here telling us to upgrade our System. Please.
[i]It's worth noting Windows 7 is in the System Requirements, even in the Recommended Specs.[/i]
And I get you guys must be as mad as I am, but let's keep it a supportive place. Bungie employees are people and workers just as we are, so let's [b][i]not[/i][/b] attack anyone or simply be aggressive towards them. I'm sure they'll look forward to it considering we are their users, regardless the time it takes.
It's confirmed it's something on Bungie's end (the game itself), they had changes in the build along with Season of the Lost release. Bungie has noticed us and is currently investigating our issue.
I didn't comment before, but I [i]did[/i] try as many things as I could and always do with games not working on our System and it usually solves the issue. However, this time was different. All I could get was more "information" in a way, and these would be what everyone probably knows at this point, which is the lack of "api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll" in the System, a DLL not needed so far, which is weird at the very minimum. And then eventually, if you work around that (replacing the DLL in any way), you get [i]another[/i] error, which is Error Code "0xc000007b". And then if you also manage to work around [i]that[/i] you get yet another error, this time for some reason it's not finding "destiny2.exe", which is also weird considering it's right there in the Game Folder. That's all I got Guardians.
Hopefully we'll get a fix and update soon, stay tuned everyone!
And thank you, LordShenlong, for creating this Topic and helping us get Bungie's attention. Eyes up!
same here all of the above mention^^! I am a casual non cheating player- getting burned for staying on win 7/ for all the stated reasons, only logged on here to see whats up and add a comment hope they do not leave us out to dry!
They did notice us! Hopefully will find a fix along with BattleEye soon, well, they're investigating, we can only wait and hope for now.
Pienso exactamente igual a ti "esto no puede quedar así........LLevan año publicando los requisitos mínimos del sistema y está en win 7, 8 y 10, el motor gráfico que ocupan ....no creo que cambie tanto como para que no pueda seguir en win 7...(y como tu bueno..veia los videos en youtube) (Además somos consumidores y compranos el contenido del juego con "ciertas características" puede que ellos puedan cambiar ciertos contenidos/cosas pero la base que compramos no creo...... (claro que el problema es ese programa externo...
[Translation] I think exactly the same as you "this cannot be like this ........ They have been publishing the minimum system requirements for years and it is in win 7, 8 and 10, the graphics engine they occupy ... I don't think it will change so much so that I can not continue in win 7 ... (and like you ... watch the videos on youtube) (We are also consumers and buy us the content of the game with "certain characteristics" they may change certain content / things but the base we bought I don't think ...... (of course the problem is that external program ...
[quote]Also the issue is -blam!- BattleEye, it's somehow not working properly on Windows 7, with that I mean not detecting the game's executable...how and why?[/quote] Actually, it might not be BattlEye's fault. If you launch destiny2.exe it fails all on its own, with a much more detailed message. I suspect BattlEye is simply making things slightly worse because it launches destiny2.exe but hides the error details.
This is just one of a variety of Windows 7 related issues since the release of Beyond Light and the second potentially full stop one after the cutscene problem! If Bungie is going to stop supporting Win7, then fine, so be it. But stop advertising it as an acceptable operating system! Even today it is still allowed on the requirements page! [url]https://imgur.com/a/BD3DpxN[/url]
Igual pasaría a llevar nuestros derechos como consumidores...del contenido base o no? que cambien despues de años de funcionar con un sistema......sería arbitrario?
storepage clearly says for any DLC and basegame, that win7 is fully supported! they might get legal actions if purchased products, falsely advertised, are not working anymore...
I would understand that, but wouldn't be fine with it since the game [i]does run properly in the System[/i] (asides the new cutscenes). So most likely a fix would solve the issue, they don't have to cut the Support entirely.
Oh, I fully understand, support you, and wouldn't like it either. But it is deeply disturbing they keep abandoning us Win7 folks without saying anything. I mostly would like them to either actually support us, or rip off the band-aid and tell us to move on. Not these half-measures and the complete radio silence they are giving us now. Even to this day they never responded to the 2 FPS cutscene thread despite it affecting so many users.
igual....eso de los fps se arreglaba demás poniendo opciones configurables par a los videos en menos calidad y fps etc....seguro que tenía arreglo
Edited by Feltharion: 8/24/2021 8:08:58 PMOh, right, I get your point and thank you for understanding me and mine as well. Well...I agree, any answer is an answer, ye?