Sorry, but I fail to see how a 'buffer overrun' translates to 'missing file installation'. How about we just revert to the older exe and go from there.
Something they static linked for buffer overrun protection isn't in the Win 7 API.
overrun protection for what? I played Destiny 2 on Windows 7 the day before this fiasco happened. So i'm genuinely curious as to what they screwed up; because before BattlEye, i had no trouble. Then they introduced it, and now I can't even open the game. So please pardon my lack of knowledge on the subject- because i'm curious as to how this happened and made it through testing without giant red flags of the game not even opening.
There was a change to destiny 2 that helps stop something called a static buffer overflow. Overflow in terms of memory means that an memory address that was out of bounds was overwritten. Such instances can cause programs to crash or even be used to run scripts that shouldn't be running. I could explain everything in more detail, but I would rather not leave a wall of text.
Just because a vulnerability isn't public doesn't make it less of a problem. And now that they've published this, reverting would be asking for people to find it.
um...what are you talking about?
Given the name of the library, it is unlikely anyone without access to put files on your computer in a place D2 cares about could even begin to try to exploit it.
Edited by XiiDraco: 8/29/2021 12:12:46 AMA buffer overrun happens when writing data past what is the expected memory space in an array — as a computer science topic. Of course you would need to understand, how memory layouts work in your computer, how and why data is written and in what particular context, and much more. I don't want to write an essay that you may need even more abstract contexts to even understand so I'll be brief. You wouldn't often notice a buffer overrun occurring because writing to memory outside of the expected space doesn't usually cause hard crashes (unless you are debugging for them) but instead affects data in other parts of the program. For example if you accidentally write past the end of a string (that's just text stored as data btw), the string might still say, "Hello World" but if the data you were using for your player's health is placed right after the string in memory, suddenly the health data has been written over and now your player has -2147483648 health (not specific this is just an signed overflow joke). Memory (heap in this case) corruption is NOTORIOUSLY hard to detect, find, and fix. I'm assuming the library that doesn't happen to exist on Win7 which is missing is for safeguarding against, or detecting accidental corruptions due to buffer overruns. And before you ask no, this is not corruption as in, file corruption on your drives or anything, this is memory corruption which happens all the time in programming, usually do to an oversight in code. It's only a temporary space and more often that not your OS can and will prevent a program from altering memory outside of it's space *accidentally*. As for your "giant red flags" about it going through testing. You can't test every single machine and environment those machines are running in. In this case, the bug (technically missing library they linked against so not really a bug but more of an oversight) very likely wasn't found on any configurations that they tested for. (I should also mention that if it relys on libraries from the OS, changes to the OS like updates could also break functionality for the game which wouldn't be Bungie's fault at all) And no, it's not easy to just "test everything". If you understand that you are lacking knowledge on the subject, maybe consider learning more about it. Computer Science is actually quite fun when you start to understand the concepts!
I've cursed many times in my programming classes when trying to figure out why I get a buffer overflow. 🤣 Segment faults with no obvious cause are even more annoying.
Back in my day, we coded in raw assembly languages and unprotected pointers were far more common than these days. References didn't even exist yet, nor did tools for spotting memory corruption. Usually things would just freeze with almost no indication of what was wrong. Lots of "fun" bugs that the programmers of the day had to become masters at avoiding or spotting quickly.
One of the funniest typos I have had was not realizing a 1 was supposed to be an I. The font made it really hard to see. Literally had to walk away and come back to spot it.
Edited by XiiDraco: 8/29/2021 10:58:54 PMHahaha. I love seeing someone get a heap corruption for the first time and try and track it down with prints or stepping through debug only to find the magic floaty point where the system detects the corruption. Their face when I tell them that the system detecting the corruption and the actually corruption happening aren't the same place is absolutely priceless. Using a mem checking tool like valgrind has been amazing for me. Especially with WSL, because valgrind is waaaay better than Dr. memory and WSL is super easy to setup and use with CLion.
ну конечно, это ж такая проблема - сделать пробный запуск на windows 7. лень (некомпетентность) и жадность разработчиков - исчерпывающая причина, других нет и быть не может.
I know quite a bit about computers, etc- it's half of my lively hood, I'm more hardware though than software. I know that's literally impossible to test for every scenario because of the hundreds of thousands of setups. But what I don't understand, is how an 'overrun' error equates to a 'missing file' error...because from what I understood from your paragraphs, it didn't explain it. And the 'library' that doesn't a file; api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll is completely missing from my system32 / syswow64 folder. Kicker, Destiny 2 ran fine the day prior to this update. So my question still remains; how does this overrun error relate to the missing file problem that every windows 7 user is experiencing, for a file that wasn't there prior to the update? The best way for Bungie to elevate this problem is to de-integrate BattlEye from D2 and allow us to play, while they work on a fix in the background. Because if this non-sense goes on a week, Bungie will have to do something serious to save face and restore their damaged reputation. looking worse than Cyberpunk's launch, because people literally can't play it vs having issues with playing it.
Edited by XiiDraco: 8/29/2021 4:03:19 AMA "buffer overrun safeguard" isn't the error that's being addressed here. It happens to be related to the file that is missing. A buffer overrun doesn't equate to a missing file error — that doesn't mean anything nor is it what's being said here. There [i]is[/i] a missing file. The wording is a bit vague but it can be interpreted in two ways: 1) The file that is missing is api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll which holds the library implementation of some buffer overrun safeguard code. They added buffer overrun safeguards and it uses this library. The library is missing on some systems so the game can't load and crashes. 2) The file that is missing is api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll and the reason that it is missing is because of some new code, being the buffer overrun protection, that worked incorrectly (commonly used during string manipulation) and altered the search path of the file so that the file couldn't load. I chose to go with option 1, because users have reported the library file actually not being present (such as yourself) and the error changing to another error when trying to replace it. So it likely isn't #2. As far as your last paragraph goes, it would be very painstaking to try and remove BattlEye temporarily from the game and almost certainly not worth the effort. I have no doubt the many things would have to be completely reverted or reworked again to keep the current build but also have battle not affect it. Since BattlEye is, well, meant to be a permanent addition, and a good one at that, they very likely did not integrate it with little "toggles" for everywhere it's integrated. That wouldn't make sense from a development point of view. Stuff happens and yeah it sucks but you are being [i][b]very[/b][/i] over dramatic about them having to "save face" and this is "worse than Cyberpunk's launch". The game peaked at 177k concurrent active players and has peaked at the 120k's to 130k's (and rising) every day after. The reviews in the past 5 or so days on steam are also very positive with launch day coming in at 85%, higher than destiny's current average. Bungie's reputation is no where close to being at stake. The truth of the matter is that unfortunately this bug and the others, while affect a lot of players, is still a minority of players and is not nearly as many as you think it is. It'll get sorted out within a couple of days, and at most a week. So give it some time and hop on another game for a bit while you are waiting. I'm on Win11 and have been since first access on the dev channel so I've had to deal with bugs and crashes for months due to library incompatibilities, but it is what it is. I just play another game while I'm waiting.
Note that the dll contains the word "path" at the point that most precisely describes its function. Combine that with it being a buffer overflow-related dll, and the purpose is clear - this must be a library which thunks functions that e.g. resolve incomplete file pathnames, get directory listings, etc, with the original versions just writing requested data to a pointer without a known length. The thunk functions replace those with versions that provide a known length so the OS doesn't provide more data than the size of the buffer provided by the applications programmer. All of which boils down to this only being a vulnerability to people who can already substantially alter your filesystem in places where Destiny 2 would be using these functions on the filesystem to begin with. A near-trivial concern, exploit-wise.
Edited by XiiDraco: 8/30/2021 2:06:35 PMValuable input. I wasn't even looking into it all that hard but that makes sense. Just wish I didn't read it with a groggy brain the second I woke up on the first day going back to classes again. T_T
Um.. the overrun issue is the issue being addressed here, Bungie even stated that specifically, with nothing being mentioned about the missing file issue. [quote] We believe this issue is related to something Bungie changed in our builds for this release. UPDATE 2: We've confirmed that a change we made in our builds for [b]safety against buffer overruns[/b] is the cause of this issue. We are figuring out how to best fix this issue. UPDATE 3: Unfortunately, this issue will not be resolved before the weekend begins.[/quote] And it wouldn't be pain staking at all; if Bungie has it's digital department setup correctly- with previous versions on hand for immediate reverting; all they would need to do is simply restore the previous version of the D2 code and implement it. If they can't do that...I wonder what else they're lacking in. And I'm not being over dramatic at all, I'm looking at this logically. This is worse than Cyberpunk's launch. With Cyberpunk's launch- xbox, playstation and PC...everyone was able to play the game. they launched it and played. Did it crash? Have bugs? Yes to both. But they could open it up and play (performance and graphic issues aside- it still ran). Destiny 2 Season of the Lost: Xbox / playstation / strada only. PC 7, 8, 10 home- dead. Windows 10 pro- playable. Only those willing to search for an answer have reported replied. The rest are probably waiting patiently while people like everyone here raise their voice. If a file is missing and 'alternative' fixes don't work...every computer that doesn't have that file..isn't going to work. Which is worse: having parts of your platforms unplayable or having crashes, but still having all platforms playable. Plus, people took time off for this launch (whether that being smart or not is another story). Bungie will have to do something to make up for it all. What is worse about all this is how long Bungie took to address the issue. I'm sure their twitter feed blew up after 12 hours, but no response. A simple "we're getting reports of the game not opening- we're looking into it." followed by "Yeah, there's an issue we've encountered, we're investigating." The fact that they're ignoring the missing file component (tells me that they never tested Windows 7 in the first place, because if they did- like they should have, they would have run into this issue and fixed it prior to launch)- they should either state how or where to get the file, if possible. I mean, they do reference Windows 7 being supported in both minimum and recommended requirements; ie, they should have tested it. If not, then they should tell us where it comes from and their plan on delivering the file or making it possible for us to go and find it. Especially since it was only required AFTER needing BattlEye- which seems to have a less than 50% accuracy. Because like all those whom are complaining- Destiny 2 worked perfectly before the update...and now afterwards, we can't even launch the game- ALL Windows 7 users are left out to dry. And I don't know about you, but I've read every comment on the threads here that are associated with the problem: Windows 7, 8, 10 home- all of them can't play it. Only Windows 10 pro can play it. If Windows 10 home people can play it, I haven't see it yet. So no, I'm not being over dramatic, I'm pointing out all the flaws in one spot. Nothing I've said here is original- its regurgitation, only all in one spot. If you don't like that, you're more than welcome to stop responding to my comments. I'm going to continue about my day and monitor the progress of this fiasco, hoping that by Wednesday I'll be back in the game on PC. If not, shame on Bungie for allowing this to happen.
Edited by XiiDraco: 8/29/2021 10:17:45 PMAlright, I'm not going to waste anymore time trying to explain it to you. It isn't worth the effort and it's pretty apparent you just can't understand what I'm saying anyway. Part of the reason why you don't understand the relation between the two problems is because you aren't reading it correctly and are attributing the problem to the wrong part of Bungies response. I recommend picking the sentence apart into smaller pieces if you are having trouble with the grammar. As for whether it's a disaster or not, try looking at it objectively. As the victim of the bug it may be hard to prevent your view from being biased because, you're angry you can't play, and I get it. But your *opinion* on the reception of this season just isn't objective :/ sorry. The data shows other wise. Okay okay, I promise that's the last one. No need to waste text where it isn't needed. I hope you get your issue resolved! :)
Oh I understand it, because it's rather simple: there is a file missing, but it's being labeled as a 'overrun' bug. which makes no sense as this didn't happen before the update that requires a file that wasn't needed before- and can only be found on Windows 10 pro machines. It [b]is[/b] a disaster: Windows 7 players can't play. At all. Across the board (if they had tested a Windows 7 machine, they would have found this). Windows 8 and Windows 10 Home users are also there. Windows 10 pro uses can play it. Xbox players can play. verse the example i gave; everyone could play it. That's the 'data' you state- it falls on my side of the debate, beceause as I've said before, I've read through [b]all[/b] the comments in all the threads pertaining to this 'bug'. No one has a solution that works, a mis-step by Bungie, with much annoyance about BattlEye and why it's even being used with it's lack of accuracy and ability to do it's job.