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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by Oryrk: 11/27/2022 3:29:29 PM

You're allowed to hate an love this game.

Have thousands of hours put in. Enjoyed almost every minute of it, but end of seasons always have this Issue. You're burnt out, so am I. That's okay! Take a break, read new/old books . Heck hook up that old PS2 an play some classics. Burning out is natural for me, I play too much . So my best feedback? Either Bungie needs to drop the seasonal model , which won't happen. Or have more dedicated options for what we as players do, wanna raid ? Sure have a Raid faction vendor system. Same with Dungeons , Strikes , heck make Shaw Han the Patrolmen vendor. We need more of the Faction system from D1, just shake em up a bit . /Rant Drink water , sleep well.

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  • I mean the solution to your issue is just that when you burn out go play another game. Usually by the final week most players that are serious fans of destiny have done everything and it’s okay to take the final month of the season to play something else. The season is as long as it is for all players, but if you’ve done everything there’s nothing wrong with stepping away and playing something else. You’ve gotten your money’s worth, you aren’t obligated to keep playing when you have nothing new to achieve. It’s okay to be done for a season and wait until the next season to return. It’s healthy. I really wish more people would take breaks from games like that. If you’re burned out and not having fun then play a different game. Hell the seasonal model means that if you want to take a bit longer even you can wait till a bit into the season and just catch up on the new content and you haven’t missed out.

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  • The only issue with Bungie dropping the seasonal model is no matter how big of a content launch or dlc drop they do, certain people will go through it in a week or less. There's never "enough" content to players that invest as little 2 hours a day (say 10 hours per week, 40 hour per month...which is about what your average single player rpg lasts to put hours into context). Bungie believed switching to seasonal content would please the hardcore player base that complained that yearly drops left too much "dry time". For example, I was max light and had all available exotics within a month of D2 launch, which was expected to last 90 days until Curse of Osiris. At the end of the day, gamers that enjoy a product will play it non-stop, then be the first to complain when there's nothing to do. There's no winning here. Yearly drops or seasonal drops, people will constantly complain for content.

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    3 Replies
    • The problem is the bad far outweighs the good. So the topic of discussion for the week is usually negative.

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    • Edited by TheShadow: 11/28/2022 2:21:49 PM
      Just saying, taking a brake is not going to fix the glaring issues. Bungie meaning the people running the show, not the devs that do the actual work don't want to fix the issues either. Each year that has gone by the game has gotten worse with... Not play testing the content they release leaving more and more issues in the game Removing things that are a benefit for the players experience The shop being pushed in our faces The monetization The seasons The "free events" Time-gating content/story "RNG" Reusing assets The "balancing", better known as nerfing The lack of not updating existing content Lying to the player base about returning content they removed among other things Controlling players on how to play the game the way they want instead of giving that players choice that the game should have. [spoiler] I only scratch the surface of things that have gone wrong with this game and have only gotten worse over time. The game should have been handed over to Activision because without them this business has run this game smashing into the ground. Activision was the only thing keeping this business in line, and the only reason we had content like Forsaken. The only time the game was in a good place since D2 was released. It doesn't matter how much the devs want to fix or improve this game, let alone how much anyone cares about the game. It's the people that are running the show that is stopping this game from going anywhere but the very poor direction it has headed.[/spoiler] The worst thing about the next expansion is knowing it's going to be more of the same with all the "hype". I don't hate the game because if I did I wouldn't be here. I'm just majorly disappointed that they destroyed the original Bungie's work/concept of what destiny was to be or where it could have gone and this business refused to explore the game's potential.

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    • Cool story bro

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    • Edited by Tru-Zrue: 11/29/2022 4:02:58 PM
      No matter what they do people on this app will complain. Remove the seasons? Oh “there hasn’t been enough to do in three (or six) months” Burn out, play something else until there’s something to do. Dont sit on an app crying about and continue playing😒. If the complaints were actual feedback and not “your game sucks…that is all” sure. I’ll listen. But who will listen to attacks and insults? Not only that way tooooo many people complaining have already pre ordered and said they got a refund….why tf pre order in the first place? I love the game, but not to pre ordered if I’m unsure. That’s a mental thing.

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      • True, but when I find myself burnt out, I work on the triumphs I haven't done yet - or I just raid like there's no tomorrow. I still stand by my sentiment that this game is not what you play, but who you play with, but burn out is a real thing, but there are still boatloads of content that we can enjoy to avoid the grind.

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      • There’s a difference between hate, and whatever toxic sludge is spewed out from some of the forum dwellers. Imagine hating a game so much that you blindly forget the fact that video games are optional.

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        2 Replies
        • [quote]Burning out is natural for me, I play too much . So my best feedback? Either Bungie needs to drop the seasonal model , which won't happen.[/quote] Wrong approach. People need to learn that Destiny 2 is not the only game out there you can play. Got nothing to do in Destiny 2? Go play another game you enjoy. Come back later WHEN you have something to do in Destiny 2. This game isn't your 24/7/365 life. Not always.

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        • Impossible.

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        • I think this season has just exacerbated the issues of burnout. This season was incredibly more grindy than maybe any other season, couple that with more bugs, community events that fell flat, being teased with a potential secret mission and not getting one, and the overall discontent with PVP. We had the seasonal weapon red borders, the King's Fall red borders, and the 30th Anniversary red borders to grind out, on top of the season title also being pretty grindy (30 Ruffians which required people to grief each other to complete, on top of the 45 first mate activations) I think they will course correct and make some changes, but it might take some time. There's nothing wrong with talking breaks and coming back later.

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        • Aww, now I need to buy some cables and an old CRT so I can play my PS2 the way it was designed! So worth it though. OMG! My Dreamcast too! N64! I'm getting them ALL out of the closet! Nostalgia party, my house, Friday at 8pm. BYOB!

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          • Only hate.

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          • They need to respect our time more

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          • Usually after the seasonal story wraps up I take a bit of a break from the game and do other stuff

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            • Given your comment history, I think you should tell yourself this first.

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              6 Replies
              • I'm right there with you. Day one Beta Test to launch to D2. D2 demands a lot. But she rarely delivers. I only ever buy expansions if have mates doing them.

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              • Destiny is the type of game I can boot up whenever and waste about an hour or so of time and I'm fine with that. When the season is crap, it's no biggie, I have other games to play. When the season is great, more time to set aside for Destiny. Sure there's a lot of things I don't like and there's a lot of things I do but at the end of the day, it's just a time waster.

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              • Not buying the seasons has honestly improved my Destiny experience so much; It's so nice to no longer feel obligated to play so much. Not even saying I think seasonal content is bad, just that the seasonal cycle really poisoned my enjoyment of the game.

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                • I got burnt out this season and guess what? Instead of whining and complaining for nothing I just played other games while waiting for next season I still got on a few times but it’s okay to stop playing for a bit. It’s like people don’t realize that.

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                  • Edited by RockNotABoulder: 11/28/2022 3:24:33 AM
                    I'm truly baffled that people haven't learned to start taking breaks yet. Why enjoy playing literally any other single player or indie game that's waiting for your to check it out when you can go grind for some weapon you're never going to use? Makes perfect sense. Would it be cool if the seasonal model provided consistently engaging and creative content? Sure. But it isn't, and likely never will. So go enjoy your life, and come back at the next major expansion where all the real work is actually put in.

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                  • Too many people mainline this game and burn themselves out because they don't take breaks durning thebslow periods and play something else. Typically towards the end if a season I'll check out any xbox store sales and pick up a cheap game that's on sale with good reviews and will play it will I wait the couple week for the next season to start. Right now I'm playing Dysmantle and it's pretty good, it's only $20, bit I got it for $10.

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                  • While I agree with the title, I have to disagree with why I dislike the current game.

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                  • That’s why Bungie advocates for mental health awareness. They’ve essentially made us all Bi-Polar!!!!

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                  • No if you hate something sticking with it is just Stockholm syndrome or being in an abusive relationship

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                    • There's too many games out there to fill burnt out on a single one. The second I get bored or just done with any game I just head to another one. And I'm mentally done with shooting and the flaming kicks and the racing it's off to Netflix or reading the news. I do not understand people acting like they're trapped in Destiny when they say they're not enjoying themselves. It's very unhealthy and kind of a bad look for gamings feeding the stereotype that we can't help ourselves.

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