If you tell a lie often enough people will start to believe you.
Arrogant bastard is mad max's steam name, and arrogant bastards coups is madmax's steam avatar. rekt
I actually haven't seen a Camnator/Mad Max post.
Here's one. They're tough to find since they're buried in other unrelated topics.
That was made after people started suspecting you.
Not sure what you're looking for, then. I'm not going to go through pages and pages of posts just to find an exchange between Camnator an me.
I'm looking for the original "lie."
You mean the first time I told them that I was not the same person as Arrogant Bastard? I wouldn't even know where to begin in that search. I don't even think it had its own thread; it was an off-hand comment in an unrelated thread. I don't even know any more. There have been a ton of "Mad Max is Arrogant Bastard" threads and even more in posts following the both of us around this site.
Camnator and Rose are the only people posting this shit, trying to get it to catch on, and they've disliked me for a [b]long [/b]time. Rose even went so far as to impersonate me on the old site to get me permabanned.