[quote] Ready for the "get over it", "Cry some more", etc... comments.[/quote]
Good! Act this stupid and you should be!
The self-entitled crap that you spent several paragraphs spewing is, in the end, self-entitled crap with no solid foundation. If the basis of your rhetoric is, "Wah! Bungie, you-you owe me!" You'd be better off not posting anything here. It's an insult to the very developer studio you try to boast loyalty to. If you were truly loyal to the company, you'd respect their decision and support them.
Bungie does not [i]owe you.[/i] They don't. They were contractually obliged to make Halo for the Xbox, and now they've gone multiplatform with Destiny. They're opening doors to other platforms and no longer remaining Xbox-exclusive, it isn't about you.
Gamer entitlement at it's finest, folks.
I don't get it halo was strictly xbox so why is everyone so upset about ps getting stuff
Contractually obligated to make Halo for Xbox as Microsoft owned Bungie during that era. ;-)