It's a company's choice where it chooses to go. If a company wishes to move entirely to a new platform, that's its call. If it wishes to give exclusive content to another, that's its call.
Bayonetta 2 is exclusively on WiiU. I don't like that, but I'm not going to whine like an entitled little brat about it. It reflects badly on the fan and badly on the developer. If Half-Life 3, by some stroke of bizarre decision-making, were an Ouya exclusive, I'd be perplexed, but that's Valve's call.
If it were factually a bad choice, I'd be more vocal, I expect. But these kids are just complaining because they're not Bungie's favourite child anymore.
I'm not arguing that point. Of course it's up to the company. And of course, as usual, some people are choosing to handle their frustration in an unproductive manner. But I don't feel the frustration is unwarranted. And I don't feel that expressing frustration is unproductive if handled maturely. Voices influence practices.