Will you all shut up already!? I've seen like a hundred threads of the same load of crap!!! Bungie isn't leaving you guys or picking favourites, they're just releasing some content on ps4 first. It's just like almost every Bethesda game and the Xbox, always getting the dlc first. Yeah it happens, so will you all shut up about it already?!
Except the part where some DLC is exclusive and will never be on Xbone
Please show some intelligence when replying to someone
Because ALL I was implying in that reply was that you were in the state of being hurt in the ass because PS got exclusive content. In a little less wording, I was still able to get my point across. Intelligent enough, m8?
Better still kind of insulting but I guess everyone can't be respectful on the forum
O rly? THAT reply was unintelligent? I wonder what you must think of yours, then?
Saying butthurt shows that your very unintelligent and that you have no reasonable response but to try to make them mad. Topics are supposed to be debated about not saying "butthurt".
It entertains me to see how highly you think of a forum... Maybe you should start cruising through more of them [spoiler]butthurt was actually a good statement there ;)[/spoiler]
The thing that really gets me angry on these forums is "Destiny for PC" and PC elitists who think they are a "master race"
T_T take a chill pill