I own a Windows Phone, Microsoft Surface, and an Xbox One.
Bungie make it happen. If not future Destiny purchases not happen for me.
I am not purchasing The Taken King due to no Windows or Surface apps out. And with all the lag cheating only getting temp bans . . . really? Only temp bans? Destiny as a game is going in a direction I am just not happy with, therefore Bungie will not getting any more money from me.
I purchased the Ghost Edition. So it is not like I'm cheap or not have the money. Bungie is only hurting themselves.
I have a Lumia 920 and a Surface Pro 2 and I' ll be playing the game on PS4. I really want this next gen 2nd screen experience thing to work with the devices that I have chosen. I get that Bungie is pissed at MS, but don't penalize your fans.