I don't understand why anyone who doesn't have a Windows phone is so against this. What impact will it have on you if Windows users are allowed to use this app as well? I don't get why people are constantly in this ridiculous competition about how much better their Ps4 is or how superior their Android is. It would make a looot of people happy if Bungie brought this to the Windows 8 market. It would only improve the way the community sees Bungie. As a proud Nokia 1020 user, I fully support this. Let's make it happen, guys!
Trolls dude. People come here just to hate.
From my Experience is mostly rotten Fruit user that see their boat sinking and try to cling to it
There not doing because of the os systems from what I read if they wanted too they would've.
Please source, as a programmer I can tell you that this is completely BS. Something that people with no knowledge of programming claims. You have XAMARIN, MoSync, Whoop. Hell I even think that it could work using Mono. No this is more likely due to some suit guy on Activision (more like Crapdivision) and Bungie who still believe that iPhone is the leading market platform and who have a narrow view of reality.
No matter if your a programmer or not I definitely read they weren't going to support window phones.
"I read online" is not a source.
Program Google on your phone dude.
Just stop man and go somewhere else
Look dude Google it that's where I saw sorry you have a windows phone.
I read online that they weren't going to support windows.