Lmfao "go back to madden" that made me laugh, but seriously dont use exotic chest to get to 30 i use a exotic helm for 30 light then raid chest shoes and ib gloves and now im lvl 30 u can easily find a normal raid without a effort you're just lazy
Why don,t you go back to sucking moms titty
Im 20 years old that would be considered very taboo and messed sorry I can't satisfy your fantasies.
Well you suck and thats for sure
I do? Please explain how.
Wipe off your...shiny lips first! WAIT!! sorry that,s ass kissing juice.
Lmfao wtf is wrong with you are you 6?? That makes no sense, you're a idiot..who's ass am I kissing?? And how would you know if my lips are shiny you can't see me hahah.
Hahahahaha....Are you serious?
- Madden does have a better story line than destiny at this point. - i've read that Chest and helmet both need hard raid, so it doesnt really matter which one I use, - Bungie forgot voice chat, and matchmaking....and I'm the lazy one... ? It should be an option, you dont have to participate in it, its really indefensible
I got my chest from normal
Thank you, I have been saying that Bungie took the easy way out. Our chat? Is our systems chat. Not Bungie's. Having us go to a web site to understand the story? No LFG tools in the game. I think the Bungie Dev team are all stoners playing PVP all day. They are the lazy ones.
Funnie! unfortunately, very true!