If you can't dedicate 5-10 minutes to make/search for a post for the raid, you aren't dedicated enough for the raid. Simple as that. You're only hurting yourself, because the raid is some of the best content in the game, leagues ahead of strikes and story missions.
Lol last time i tried to get a grpup together it took me over an hour to get 5 other people, let alone getting to atheon and two people had to leave. If i have to go through that, everytime i wanna raid and deal with randoms leaving, i would much rather have matchaking and deal with it then. Would be no different cept less time consuming, which is why all of us keep posting it needs matchmaking.
I joined up with a random team and we ran through all 3 hard raids on all of our accs in less than 2 hours. On here or on destinylfg? Because I have personally had much better experiences on lfg.
Lfg i dont like using it on here since i dont always get the notifications.
Yeah, you probably just had a bad experience. Sometimes people only need certain parts and will leave once they get to one they don't need as well (someone who jumped in with a random group and only killed atheon, and now needs everything else from a different group). However matchmaking would be 10x worse than this, because you'd need 6 dedicated players that are willing to put down time and learn to play with eachother, be able to communicate, be a high enough level with good gear, etc. Let me put it this way, if the in game matchmaking service wasn't just as complex and advanced as destinylfg, it would fall flat on its head and i gauruntee that it would fail and just cause more hate for bungie. Are players on lfg always reliable? No, of course not. But they're WAY more reliable than a completely random player would be.
Your an idiot and its people like you that have ruined gaming and the country.
Im pretty sure I contribute WAY more to this country than you have ever done, both in service and in taxes but your entitled to your opinion I guess
Service is a job.
Lmao, just wow. I can't even make sense of this whimsical Bullshit haha
I'm not sure where you get your free time from. Maybe you have a part time job or live at home. Maybe you don't have bills or maybe it's just that your bills consist of what fast food you want to shove in your face today. Maybe your in college and you slip a class so that you can run the raid whenever. I don't know and don't care. The unfortunate thing is that most real people have things to do with their time besides look thru this site or that site to find 5 people to run the raid at some pre-determined time for as long as it takes so that they may or may not get a piece of gear that for whatever reason the dev's have determined thru a complete lack of insight is required to progress thru levels. I know that being a "real" 30 must seem to be the end all be all of your life right now but how about cutting the rest of the world some slack.
agreed this is the whole reason we want matchmaking