I've had normal raids that last 4-6 hours. I've also completed the hard raid in 40 mins. Your teammates really do matter in the raid, and ONE weak link can cause a lot of pain. If you're willing to dedicate 4 hours to raiding then take 10 minutes, get on [b]destiny forums[/b], or [b]reddit[/b], or [b]destinylfg.com[/b], or [b]destinylfg.net[/b] and find a raid group. If you lack the patience to find a raid group, then you lack the patience for the raid. I spent 3 hours helping some new raiders beat it on normal, even though I already had my completion this week and received no rewards.
Thank you from the rest of the community minded of us for prevailing in a community minded spirit, amongst the darkness infected minds of the "others". Its a shame the "others" are too quick to complain, in some cases rightfully, but mostly just petulant spoilt children who have been raised to believe every media spoonfed morsel, NEWSFLASH JUST IN....... THE STREETS OF LONDON ARE NOT PAVED WITH GOLD AND THE EARTH IS NOT FLAT!
What? you're going to pull the media into this? I have a strong suspicion I am much older than you. In addition, I think you watch too much Fox News....