Props to you im glad you are both enjoying this game. I don't mean that sarcasm either.
I thought I was jumping into a shared world shooter not an mmo. I don't have the stable ammount of free time for that or a misses that games.
So i will play my Titenfall and dragonage which works a lot better with my habits.
Which is sum total of my point. That bungie have chosen to exclude a huge chunk of gamers (my types don't go on fourms im just bored at work 😆) for no real reason at all tbh.
I'm board at work lol only time I come on here all the bitchy complainers helps pass the time at work when there is nothing else to do lol I stopped playing destiny a few weeks ago as I've pretty much done all there is to do just waiting for the dlc now.
Lols same boat, If I even bother to come back. Guess what happens when u build a fourm app 😆
Yea I've got a 30 a 28 and a 27 really can't be bothered to go back through the glitchy raid as it stopped being fun when all the glitches got worse. Pretty artificial difficulty when your game play is spot on in that moment but a glitch is what gets your team wiped is an awesome game but the division will be better on every level I think such a shame destiny fell short we all had high hopes....perhaps that's what killed it. Was epic whilst it lasted tho :) got around 300 hours our of it across all my characters :) so 40 notes well spent :)
I think ubisoft got it right to slow development and see how bungie did. I'm looking forward to seeing how that plays out. 😀 love the concept and setting
Just think of all these mistakes thier going to learn from...