I do on the uther hand find it frustrating than u can run the raid many many times and not get the peice I raid gaer u need like me lol still haven't got legs after countless runs and the ion banner wasn't around long enough for somoene who works has a wife and kids witch is very annoying but I'm. Not the person destiny want to sell there game to thay want the 10 to 15 yr old population hens y the game was massively changed beffore release I believe this is because it would have been to.mucth for the young people with the likes of an in game economic system and trading and all.that jazz
They should have had a raid vendor - If you have completed the raid you get a medallion ( hard vs easy ) after X amount of medallions you can purchase armor... IDK like 15 or 10 per piece of armor
Amazing idea man exactly that !!!