It's really starting to get on my nerves that all these ass hats are cheesing and getting end of game swag, when I worked so super hard for mine... I'm special with my bone coated weapons and green emblem... And it's not fair that you all have the same gear as me. Sooo, please, for the love of God, DO NOT:
1) leave the raid at the Crota checkpoint and head to orbit.
2) have someone from the fire team leave the party (in orbit) and then head back to raid.
3) that said fire team member (who is now the host) invites everyone back into the raid.
4) once everyone spawns, revive the glowing blue balls and activate the raid by touching the weird acorn thing.
5) while facing Crota, head left and pick off the Knights in the tower.
6) meanwhile, the host fire team member stays by the acorn.
7) the other 5 guys unload on poor Crota and drop his shield so he takes a knee
8) as he's dropping to his knee, someone yells NOW and the host quits the game (quits as in, actually quits, not just leaves the raid)
9) Crota stays down on a knee like a little b, and the remaining 5 players have an interesting discussion about bio-illumination while waiting for the 6th members game to load back up.
10) 6th member joins
11) kill the swordbearer
12) the level 31 guy picks up the sword
13) level 31 guy beats on Crota for about 30 seconds
14) Crota dies
15) dance party
I agree that cheesing Crota sucks and shouldn't be done. But in a few days when hard mode comes out. You will in the front of the line to get a raid primary. Why? Because you have actually killed Crota legitimately. The hard mode will be much easier for you. This is all assuming that they fix the Crota cheese before the hard mode comes out.
Edited by dukedesign: 12/24/2014 7:17:14 PM
Reported. Merry Christmas.
Reported for reporting Tool
Is it a worthy offence? I don't think so, haha.
You must have lost your glasses... I was clearly just trying to demonstrate my utter outrage at all the cheesers in this game by telling them what NOT TO DO. I just hope that I can overcome that report this holiday season and move on with my life.
I reported you for reporting someone who CLEARLY was trying to stop people from cheesing Crota.... =) Shit sucks huh?
Edited by freshlydunbread: 12/24/2014 7:17:27 PMohhhhhh nooooooo! do you really think you reporting him will have any sort of negative affect on him??? At the very most, his post [b]could[/b] be "met with swift ninja justice". But it won't, just like [b]every other post[/b] that says the exact same thing.
While I appreciate the instructions for academic reasons, isn't it ill-advised to spread these instructions? I believe you may be violating the forum policies by posting a known exploit/cheat. Though I haven't read the rules for awhile. Again, nice to know for the sake of knowledge, but I personally will not be using this tactic.
Haha I do it with 3 players
It's just a video game. If your e-penis can't handle cheesers walking around with same gear you worked for, then you need to learn to enjoy your own journey on its own merits and not need the rest of the world to play by your rules. No, I am not a cheeser because I enjoy the challenge, but others are free to enjoy their lives the way they want. It's PvE, not PvP so they aren't hurting anyone
I could be mistaken, but it seems to me the above post was in fact a sarcastic beginning leading in to instructions on how to glitch Crota. Again, I may be wrong but I believe you may have misinterpreted the intent of the above post?
This lol
Kinda feel like this is a lot of work to go through just to beat Crota
Lol, u are loved
Hahaha! The bit about bio illumination had me rolling.
Edited by BlazinKnight317: 12/24/2014 6:42:25 PMHahahaha
Not sure if Atheon ledge mechanic was as bad as this glitch lol