Not saying they endorse it... but i am sure they are aware that if they took action against one group that did it.. they would have to take action against all groups... and they know thats too many of their players to ban, its just bad business. Im sure they will eventually fix it, but thats all they will do.
I do hope that they fix it, and soon. That said, I won't be remotely shocked if they do ban/suspend everyone who has a Crota clear having taken his shield down only once and a fireteam leader who disconnected/reconnected. As I said, the two groups are not equivalent as one involves the use of in-game tools and enemy programming to circumvent intended mechanics while the other outright disrupts communication with servers in order to gain an in-game advantage (which is against Sony TOS, I might add). Banning those who glitched Crota would not make it necessary to ban those who cheesed the VOG. I don't believe that would even be a factor in the decision to ban or not ban glitch abusers.
Whatever helps you sleep at night man... i could care less if they ban somebody or not, but im smart enough to realize they arent going to shut down that many ppl... the servers would be a ghost town
Like you, I couldn't care less about the ban. In fact, the only friend that I have has glitched Crota so if bans do go down, I'll be affected in that I'll have lost the only person that I enjoy Destiny with. What I mean is that I'm not sitting on the edge of my chair, starving for bans. Whatever integrity I have, however, does compel me to desire cheating be addressed and appropriate penalties applied to those who cheated. If that means bans, so be it. Beyond that, if I judge from the statistics recently revealed by Bungie, they can afford to suspend/ban a few tens of thousands of players who do not pay monthly subs to their game.
Sure they arent loosing monthly subs... which is exactly why the count on active ppl to buy their dlc. I could be totally wrong but i think its over half the ppl who are beating crota in this way. I guess i just dont see how the ppl doing it are violating anything. The encounter has flaws... they found it... it will probly be fixed in the next week or so... end of story.