Does ATHEON cheesers deserve to be bannened? Do LOOT cave-ers deserve to be banned? Do TEMPLAR cheesers deserve to be banned? Does warlock/hunter cheesers of the bridge deserved to be banned? Does anyone who join in on a CHECKPOINT they did NOT EARN for oracles, templar, gorgon, atheon, crota, and the bridge deserve to be banned? Does anyone who got into locked disk content on their disk that they have PURCHASED deserve to be banned? Do people who got 31 gear and never got the gear from iron banner and the raid deserve to be banned? Do the gamers who hide under the platform on WINTERS RUN or any other place on any mission just killing deserve to be banned? Does anyone who have multiple accounts of the same character to get gear deserve to be banned? Does anyone who have a high level ranked friend who helps them play through the game from level 1on up deserve to be banned? Hey I just had a thought, maybe this adds up to everyone in the damn game....SO THE ANSWER IS HELL NO HOW ABOUT THEY FIX THE GLITCHES!!! HOW ABOUT THEY NOT ONLY FIX THE GLITCHES THEY DONT WANT BUT ALSO THOSE WE DONT WANT LIKE:
enemies regaining health
you still dying from the deathsingers song even after you have killed her
still getting wiped from the overgaze after you destroyed it
getting wiped by oracles after you destroyed them all
crota running from the left side all the way to the right side
crota falling off his stage whooping ass at the bottom
crota coming into the crystal room whooping ass
You are totally right.
I mean it is just my opinion, but I like to think it is more correct than not.
Agree 100%