The only reason why I have voted no for Ban is because even though only completing it once, you can't find anyone to legit do it :/. Every CE group I find tries to cheese him. Can't find a legit group. Stuck only to party up with these "cheaters"...If you do it legit let's make a party then.
What system are you on? I have the same problem as you. This is my first week doing the raid I finally hit lvl 31. It seems every group that I join is cheesing, and if by some miracle I find a group who isn't I get kicked because I haven't beat him legit 6 times.
I'm on Xbox One.
Me too add me gt: Fat Grunt16 I already did the raid gave up after 3 hours of searching, and ended up doing the cheese. You want to try it legit next week? I'm sure we could find a team by then.