In the case your network is knocked out because of power the only way to know would be to investigate your network connection history via IP. If it's a common enough problem you might slide by if no one physically reports you.
Like I said there are ways to know. If you have several reports and conveniently strong network connection that only bugs out on Crota. But this is moving away from the main argument. Which is its a violation of the TOS and like it or not it bugs people. [b]Your[/b] the ones cheating. Doesn't matter what my reasons for caring are.
LOL!!! I am asking you a question or questions based on your comment, I am not trying to get off topic. but by this response I can see, it matters for reason you care not to speak of. Also that you have no life other than video games and how others play or interact within them.... GD...
I care because the one small sentiment of uniqueness in this game is your ability to clear challenges. People are cheating those challenges and are being included with the small % who are good enough to do it.
So again you care what others do that do not affect you?? WOW, you have issues... really..... It is a game, that is all in a few years there will be another to take it's place. You and that % is not as small as you would like it to be..... If you want to be in that elite %.... Go beat a raid SOLO or something.. until then you are a 99% like the rest of us... PERIOD. whine, cry all you want... not going to help, change or make a difference.
"99% like the rest of us" That is exactly why I care. I'm competitive as is most gaming guys. I can do it with little effort and it makes me feel just that much more superior when the majority can't. If you don't feel that way, why play multiplayer games?
I am highly competitive, but not on things like this.... multiplayer like team V team. I played with GODz in BF2142 and before they won the BF3 beta on CPU they asked if I would mine taking an alternate spot.... I said if he can beat me & he could not... But he ran far better with the squad than I did, so I stepped out and they won gold.... Pride comes before the fall... And a video games is not something to be so proud of you get upset or feel indifferent towards others... IMO.
Edited by ZanzaJoe: 12/29/2014 6:52:10 PMI don't see a sense in doing something if you don't have pride in it. Obviously there is more pride in different things such as Job vs Games.